forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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(do you want me to just link you the thread?)

Quinn got up the next morning, and remembered the plan after a few moments of thinking. He got dressed before heading downstairs, quiet so that he wouldn't wake Tony.


(That would be appreciated lol)

Antonio was fast aslep on the couch when Quinn walked down. His papers weren't in his bag and laying face down ontop of Antonio while he slept. The prince had assumed he would wake up before Quinn, or at the very least hadn't realized he had fallen asleep.


(Sorry, I'm going to pass on this one.)

The papers were blank since it was the ink was facing Antonio's stomach. However the papers themselves seemed to be of a high quality parchment and seemed well worn even from the back.


(alright, that's fine. I gotta go now tho, so goodnight!)

He frowned just a little, but didn't move to touch or pick them up. It wasn't his business.


Antonio realized his papers were on his chest after a moment and instinctively put his hand on them. He had no idea if Quinn saw them or not, "How did you sleep?"


"Fine as well," Antonio took that opportunity to slip his papers back into his bag. He then stood up and walked over to the kitchen stretching.