forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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"It's fine. I just…I don't know. There's a lot to do here in the city, and if someone were to leave to help the city…maybe it would be better for one of the older Immunes to go."


"Yeah," Antonio replied momentarily. Not quite fast enough like a normal response, but not slow enough to be deemed suspicious. He had forgotten about the fact that Quinn thought Antonio was there to find missing family members.


"But uhm…you'll have to be careful. I don't have an extra mask, but…you've got to wear long sleeves and pants, and preferably gloves as well."


"I, might need to borrow gloves," Antonio responded thinking about what he had in his bag. Long sleeves and pants he should be able to do, he was wearing a similiar outfit yesterday, but he had no gloves.


"Yeah, I figured. I have a pair that should fit. You're going to need to be really careful about what you touch, and try not to lick anything, yeah?"


"Why would I lick anything?" Antonio asked him with a slight face of disgust, "But I can take care of not touching anything."