forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Antonio was still trying to figure out if Quinn had read his papers. He assumed not given he was still being treated the same.


"Do you get paid for working with the sick?" Antonio asked him. He knew Quinn really didn't have a choice but to help, but was he getting paid for it.


"Uhm…no. The city…we don't really have much use for money anymore. We take care of each other. Everyone's got food, water, clothes, a place to live. Anything else…" he shrugged.


"That, makes a lot of sense," Antonio replied with a slight nod. For a city suffering such devastation, it made sense to forgo money altogether, "But how do you get the supplies?"


"The city treasury pays for most of it. Also, any money that the dead had when they died gets absorbed by the city. Ceridwen had a lot of money, back in the day, and we still have a lot left over."