forum The Vampire and The Vampire (Closed)
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"Jay…?" Taylor called weakly, forcing himself up into a sitting position despite his body yelling at him to go back to bed.

Deleted user

Jayden heard something from Taylor's room and immediately went over, opening the door and glancing at Taylor. "Seems like you've finally woken up."

Deleted user

"You fell asleep and Maddy and Nolan helped me move you to your room," Jayden answered. "Do you feel awake now?"

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"It's fine, make sure to get some rest," Jayden replied, running a hand through their hair.

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"Not long," Jayden answered reassuringly. "And I meant, actually sleep when you're supposed to."

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"I'll look into it later," Jayden mumbled to themselves before nodding.


"Great. Although I know I will, but I don't want to ever see that bitch again." Taylor opened the door and stepped out into the hall.

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"I don't think anyone wants to," Jayden replied, holding the door open for him.


Taylor walked down to the kitchen and glanced around to make sure everything was in order. "Ray!" Nolan dropped his controller and ran in to hug Taylor. Startled at first, Taylor had to take a couple seconds to gather himself before he hugged back. "Thank god you're okay! I thought you were gonna die!" Taylor hugged Nolan a bit tighter. "I don't plan on dying anytime soon, bud. Don't worry."

Deleted user

Jayden closed the door and went on their phone, considering it'd be awkward for them to just stare at them. What time is it? They thought to themself before checking the time on their phone. Damn, should I go?


Taylor released Nolan after a few seconds and looked over at the clock on the wall. "Damn… lunchtime already? I'll get some food started." He headed over into the kitchen and started making sandwiches.

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Jayden glanced at Taylor, wandering over to the kitchen. "You want any help?"

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Jayden was confused by the thumbs up but did the same before going to help Taylor make lunch. What is she trying to say?