forum The Vampire and The Vampire (Closed)
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Deleted user

(Lol well, being stabbed isn't that likely to happen when he's driving)

Jayden glanced at their phone and quickly picked it up when they saw Taylor's number. "Hello? Taylor?"


(Tru tru)
"H-Hey…" Taylor's voice was weak and strained. He had his leg trapped under his mangled car on the side of some back road that no one else was on, currently. Well, another car had been there a moment ago. The one that hit him. "Can… would you be able to come pick me up? I-I'm in a bit of a predicament at the moment…"

Deleted user

"Yea, yea, absolutely. Where are you?" Jayden asked, sounding and looking worried as they got up and headed towards the entrance.


"What's going on, Jay?" Maddy asked, looking rather worried.
"Um… I-I think I'm on Cedar point road?" Taylor replied weakly. "It's… it's getting kinda hard to see…"

Deleted user

Jayden glanced at Maddy and shrugged before slipping on their sneakers and heading out the door. "I'll be there in a minute." They quickly got into their car and started driving. "Are you okay? Why is it hard to see?'


"Well, I'm pretty sure I'm about to pass out… there's a lot of blood. Does blood bother you?" Taylor asked, his voice growing more distant as he spoke.

Deleted user

"Don't pass out, do anything to stay awake until I get there." Jayden drove quickly to where Taylor said he was, getting more and more worried each second. "Taylor? Stay awake, please."


"Tryin' my best…" He mumbled. "When you see my car on the side of the road, you're in the right place…"

Deleted user

Jayden made it to Cedar point road in a few minutes and saw Taylor's car on the side of the road, immediately. They had been talking to Taylor the whole time as they drove quickly. "I'm here, I'm here."


"Hey…" One of Taylor's legs was trapped under the wreckage, and as he'd mentioned, there was a good deal of blood surrounding him. "Thanks for coming. Can you help?"

Deleted user

Jayden looked worried as they quickly walked over to Taylor and bent down in front of him. "Who did this?"


"No idea. Hit and run." Taylor tried to free his leg from under the car and grimaced. His face was very pale and he didn't seem to be fully present.

Deleted user

Jayden winced softly, looking at the car and trying to see where he could lift it. "I'll try to lift, then you could try to slip your leg out?"


"Well, don't hurt yourself… should we call an ambulance?" He asked, looking up at Jayden weakly. His eyes kept shifting in and out of focus.

Deleted user

Jayden looked at Taylor, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll try to do something, you just try to stay awake, or I can and I will slap you."


"I-I dunno if I can, Jay. I… it h-hurts…" Taylor rested his head on the side of his mangled car, breathing heavily.

Deleted user

"Think about Maddy and Nolan." Jayden muttered, taking out their phone and calling the police, sighing softly. "Think about what'll happen if your mom never comes home and forgets about them."


"Jay, p-please…" A couple tears rolled down Taylor's face. "Please don't, I c… I c-can't think about that right now… it'll just make me feel worse…"

Deleted user

"Just—stay awake, please. I don't want to lose you." Jayden started talking to the police, explaining where they were and the situation. The man said he'll send someone over in a few minutes and hung up. "They'll be here in a few minutes."


Taylor was clinging to his last bit of consciousness, clearly struggling. "I… I don't know how much longer I can stay awake…" He whispered, his voice weak and broken.

Deleted user

"You can do it, Taylor, trust me." Jayden grabbed his hands. "Just look at me, focus on me."


Taylor tried his best, though he couldn't quite focus on Jayden when he obeyed. "It h-hurts…" He whispered.

Deleted user

"Just a few more minutes, you can do it, Taylor." Jayden kept muttering words of encouragement as they looked around, wondering how long it would taken for them to come.


Soon, sirens were blaring in the distance. They got louder and louder until they finally arrived. A few paramedics carefully lifted up the wreckage while another pulled Taylor out. Once he was free, they lay him on a stretcher and rolled him into the ambulance.

Deleted user

Jayden quickly got up when the paramedics arrived, quickly getting into the ambulance after they had rolled in Taylor. "Taylor? You awake?"