forum The Traveler (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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Ariella took a seat on the sofa in the front room. Dinner wouldn't vee ready for a little bit and she needed to sit and relax. Her feet hurt and she was sure she had blisters from those shoes she had been wearing. She stretched out before peaning her head back against the sofa. She patted the spot next to her for Marcus to join her.


Ariella turned her head to face him. She grinned at him. "I saved her from traffickers twice. So she owes me big time. But she's never really liked my sense of humor. She owns a bar that I liked to frequent. I also liked to start shit there. And she didn't like that very much."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Oh, you’re one of those” Marc chuckled, not surprised by the fact that she was a troublemaker even here. Though he was a little sorry for the woman who was letting them stay. “How much trouble are those traffickers around here?”


Ariella smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder, eyes closing. "It was for a good reason," she said. She wouldn't say what the reason was. She had been drunk, upset, and looking for a fight. Details she kept to herself. "As far as I've heard they've not been through here in a while. An issue yes, but something we shouldn't encounter."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Of course it was.” Marc rolled his eyes, already suspecting two of those reasons. Though he was relieved that they shouldn't run into any of that trouble personally. “Is there any kind of law enforcement that handles… interplanetary crime like this?” he wondered suddenly. “Or is it just localized authority?”


Ariella tucked her knees up to her chest. She didn't really care about her boots getting on the sofa, though Elekra probably would once she saw. "It's complicated. It's mostly left up to local authority but there is a group of enforcers of sorts that can Travel that try to prevent these things. But it's a small group and they can only do so much. Especially when its hard to get to certain realms."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc nodded, giving a soft sigh, at her answer. “I can’t say that I'm surprised. Of course, it would be complicated and I can understand the local’s perspective on having someone else interfere.” he admitted, thinking of a couple of times when a case had to be handed over to Interpol. “May I ask if that is part of the reason why you didn't join that group, because it was too complicated?”


Ariella looked up at him from where she was resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm usually the sort of criminal that they hunt." Now, she never did anything to endanger or otherwise hurt another person unless they truly deserved it. But she smuggled and started fights and chaos and once aided in starting an anarchy in a city once. That had been interesting. "That life just isn't for me, being an enforcer. It's too much work, too much stress. And I'm not very good with authority."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc gave a light chuckle and met Ariella’s expression flatly. “You don't need to explain that to me.” he reminded, thinking of how they met. Though she wasn't really considered a criminal at the time as far as he knew. “I won't deny that my job is stressful and I don't always get along with higher authority either.” he admitted, shrugging.


Ariella never got along with authority. She did not like when people ordered her around and expected her to follow blindly. It was part of the reason she never stayed in one place for too long. She liked to do her own thing with no one telling her what to do but herself. "Yeah but I really don't get along with it. For my sanity and there's, it's better if I don't."


Ariella nodded. "We'll jump through a couple realms tomorrow until we get where we need to be. Once we reach my safe house we'll need to come up with a plan. I still need to find my companions. They might be in trouble." Not to mention how much that orb was worth.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Why more than one?” he asked. Originally Marc thought it was more like thinking of a destination and just arriving there, but now he was wondering if it was more like having to take multiple busses and the train to get somewhere.


"It's like taking a train through different cities to reach your destination. We have to hop through two realms before reach the one with my safe house. It won't take long but it'll be draining on my part. There isn't a portal here that directly goes to where I need to be. At least not one I've found yet." Ariella explained. "It'll take a couple hours, maybe more if we want to explore the cities we'll drop into first."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Alright then.” he nodded. “But it's up to you if we explore anywhere. I admit I am curious about… all this,” Marc said with a vague gesture to everything, “but if we're in a hurry to get to your mates then I won't slow you down.” he assured.


"It'll take a few days to get there anyways. A few hours aren't going to make much of a difference. And this is your first time Traveling. I want you to have a chance to enjoy it before I dump you back home." Her eyes had fluttered shut. If it weren't for the growling of her stomach she woukd have fallen asleep right there.


Ariella smiled at him even with her closed eyes. "I'll show you around." And while she was worried about her companions, it would very nice to travel around with someone and enjoy herself instead of always hunting for jobs or being on the run.

Of course it was just as she had gotten comfortable nestled into his side that Elekra decided to show up once more. "Dinner is ready," she said curtly. Ariella cracked her eyes open to glare at the woman's back. She climbed off the sofa and followed her to the dinning room. She took the seat across from Elekra, leaving Marcus to sit in between them. Probably for the best.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Thank you.” he whispered, actually excited to travel and play the tourist. He was a little disappointed that Elekra walked in before he could ask anything else but he let the feeling roll off when she mentioned food. “Thank you, ma’am.” he nodded gratefully as he got up.


Elekra raised an eyebrow at Marcus. Then looked to Ariella. "Why don't you have manners like this young man? I knew you humans were completely incapable of them."

Ariella gave her a grin. "I'm not incapable of them. You've just given me no reason to use them." She cooed at her, causing their host to glare at her. She behaved as though she hadn't seen it. She took the bowl of soup that was murky brown and with questionable meat. She knew better than to ask what was in it. It was food and it wouldn't make them sick so that's all that matters.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marcus couldn't help the soft chuckle at their banter, though he thought it would be better if Ariella didn't push things too much.

He waited until Ariella had started eating before he did since she knew if there was anything that they couldn't eat but didn't say anything.


(Sorry! Been busy at work lately!)

Ariella and Elekra did not get along. And for good reason too. The latter did not like the former's attitude and the mess she made. The former thought the latter was too wound up and had a stick up her ass. They clashed every time they met. But Elekra owed a life debt and that was what she was paying up for. not that this really compared to a life debt but that's how Elekra would see it.

"You can take the guest bedroom. You know where it is." Elekra said shortly. Ariella's eyes gleamed but she didn't say anything. Just nodded her head. Even she understood she could push so much.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Dinner passed by quietly and Marc was relieved by that. He didn't want the two to fight and for things to get out of hand. He was already in over his head.

“Thank you again for your hospitality, ma’am.” Marc nodded sincerely, understanding that it was likely he and Ariella would have to share a room.


Elekra nodded and gave what coukd be described as a smile to the man. It disappeared quickly as her gaze turned to Ariella. The latter grinning at her. Like a good host, she took the plates and bowls from them, a silent dismissal that dinner was over.

Ariella stood, nodding her head for Marcus to follow her. She led him up a flight of stairs and down a hall to the guest bedroom. It had an attached bathroom. Which she woukd be taking advantage of. She needed to wash the sand from her body. "I'm going to bathe. Try not to get sand all over the bed." She winked at him.