forum The Traveler (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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To Ariella, this was a typical Tuesday. She dappled in the more dangerous part of life. And she was so used to this that she didn't bat an eye at it. "Sounds like a plan. It doesn't mean that we still can't enjoy the way there. You're new to this. I want you to be able to look around and see everything."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Thank you. I’d appreciate that.” Marc smiled, actually looking forward to getting seeing more of these worlds. His… admittedly geeky side was very interested in getting to see things that very many people back home would see or even believe in.


Ariella smiled back at him and nodded. "So now that you've got your coffee in you, how are you feeling? Want to shop around or ready for the next stop on our list?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Much better now.” Marc nodded, clearly looking more bright-eyed and awake than before. “Honestly, if we can spare the time, I wouldn't mind shopping a bit. At least for a bag to carry this in so I don't look stranger than I already do.” he chuckled as he gestured to the bundle of fabric that was his uniform that he was holding.


Ariella smirked at him. "I'm sure you have more uniforms at home. Or could have gotten issued another one. You didn't have to bring it with us." She shook her head in amusement. She already had a feeling in what his response would be. There were a few places that could look through on their way to the portal. This just meant they could take their time and be lazier about it.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc shook his head at her assumption. “All uniforms are provided by the department. And if we damage or lose one, we have to pay for it, except if or when we are injured or killed in the line of duty.” he explained, though his tone turned a bit somber at the end before giving a slight shrug as he pushed the thought away.


Ariella gave him a strange look, peering her head back as she held onto him. "You do know you're officially MIA now, right? I'm sure you could come up with an elaborate story as to how your uniform got ruined." She didn't know why she was trying. She knew her words were pointless. "I guess it's a good thing I like my men in uniforms anyways."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I know that.” Marc chuckled. “But I was last seen in my uniform, I would like to bring it back if I can. Besides, I am already trying to come up with a story to explain why I am missing without ending up in an asylum.” he admitted with a teasingly raised brow. Though he laughed again at her last statement. “Even after all we’ve been through… I don't think we know each other well enough for you to call me ‘yours’.”


Ariella was curious as to what his cover story would be. But she also knew she wouldn't be there to help him with it. When they reached the portal for Earth, which would definitely not drop him off in England, he would go alone. She'd open up the portal and let him walk through it by himself. Then they would go their separate ways. "Hmm, not yet, at least. Just give it more time. They always fall in the end."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc hadn't quite thought of what his story was going to be but he was thinking of possibly using the incident at the hospital to lead into some kind of kidnapping and escape. Though it also would depend on how long he ended up being missing. And he hadn't even considered the possibility of the portal not opening in England.

He chuckled at Ariella’s cocky attitude and couldn't help rolling his eyes. “Well, we’ll see about that.”


Ariella giggled quietly next to him. She bumped his hip with her own and sent a wink his way. "Anyways, see anything worth shopping for? Or are you content to just look around." She didn't need anything, especially not here.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Not yet.” he admitted, shrugging a little. “I really just want a bag or something for my stuff but I don't know where to look here anyways.” Marc reminded since he wasn't familiar with this place despite the similarities to Earth.


(So sorry this took so long. I've had a bunch of stuff going on at home and I really haven't had the time to respond.)

Ariella nodded her head. She stopped in front of the equivalent to a Walmart, only smaller. The prices were generally the same, even though it was different currency. "Do you want like a backpack or a satchel or something?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(It's ok. I kinda figured something might have come up.)

Marc nodded gratefully as Ariella lead him inside. “Maybe a backpack. Just in case we end up needing to carry anything else.” he shrugged, looking around at the familiar items on the shelves. It was actually pretty nice to see some of these things after the strangeness of the whole situation. “I can pay you back for anything if they don't have an exchange for what I have.” he offered.


Ariella finally released him as they strolled inside. She was still sipping on her sugary blended Frappuccino. She was almost finished with it. She had about a fourth of the way to go. She nodded her head and led him to the backpack aisle. "Don't worry about it. I don't mind." Plus it technically wasn't her money.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Only if you're sure.” Marc commented with a raised brow. He didn't mind if she wanted to pay, honestly it would probably be easier if she did, he just didn't want to inconvenience her more than he already did. “I feel like I already owe you for me being here.” he admitted, looking at a sturdy camping backpack before second-guessing the price.


"I am sure. Help me with my friends and we'll call it even." Especially if that meant he could potentially end up getting onto dangerous situations. Though he was a police offer. He should be trained for these types of situations. Okay maybe not this exact one but something similar enough. Ariella saw the bag he picked and nodded her head. "Let's go check out."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

"I'll do my best." he nodded. Marc wasn't an idiot. He knew there was a chance that something dangerous could happen, especially with Ariella and her mates from the car chase, but that's why he kept his gun. Though he wasn't completely sure if would work on some of the people he came across right now. There were so many even in this store that he didn't recognize. For all he knew, his gun could be worthless… but he still felt better having it with him. "You sure you can afford this?" he asked with a raised brow.


Ariella just winked at him. Let's just say she had accumulated some cash on their walk here. She had sticky fingers that were excellent at slipping into pockets unaware. She nodded her head. "Let's get it. It can carry our things when we reach my safe house." She only hoped that she had clothes there that would fit him. She had a few male friends ise her safe house and leave clothes there in case they needed it on a later date.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc’s skepticism only increased when she winked before answering him. But he wasn’t going give himself more of a headache by thinking about it or asking what she meant. “Alright. That’s reasonable.” he relented since he agreed with that plan.


Ariella nodded and beamed up at him. She paid for it at the cash register and then they were out if the building. She waited patiently for him to once his uniform in the bag. She threw away her drink now that she has finished with it. "Ready to make the jump?" It was only a half a block away. They needed to make one more jump after this and then they woukd reach the realm her safe house was located in.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc deliberately didn't watch as Ariella paid, choosing instead to quickly pack his things in the new bag. Though he did hesitate on revealing his gun here. He didn't want to cause a panic by showing it when there was no reason to. “I believe so.” he nodded, deciding to deal with his weapon once they reached her safe house. “Is it near by?”


Ariella nodded her head. "Just about half a block. You won't he able to miss it. We've got this one, and then one more portal to reach our desired realm. I'll be able to get us to the safe house but I'll need a break after that." Mentally and physically, from whatever they found there.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Alright.” Marc agreed, putting the backpack on. “At least, you should be able to reach at the safe house.” he reasoned as they walked together. Despite the possibility of danger from Areilla’s attackers, and the fact that they weren't on Earth, this felt pretty normal overall.


Ariella nodded her head. "I can get there easily enough. It's why I chose it as one of my safe houses." It was the only one that was truly hers. The others had been her father's, foster father, that was. There were only a few but they were placed in strategic places. Everything had a place for a reason. As they came upon the portal, there were plenty of markings already there. All of it dried, of course. But some of the blood was clearly newer than others. Without hesitation, she opened the wound on her arm and began her markings.