forum The Traveler (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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Ariella picked at her scab on her arm, causing it to bleed a little. It had been awhile since she had such nightmares. Ones that left her shaking and terrified to go back to sleep. She stayed out there until dawn was creeping on the horizon. Then she walked back inside and up to the guest bedroom. She knelt by Marcus's side and touched his shoulder. "It's time to wake up. We've got to go."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc moaned softly, not wanting to wake up. Normally he had to set his alarm very loud and go off multiple times, to even make it to work in the mornings. It wasn't easy for him and he didn't mean to make this difficult for Ariella either but this was just how he was.


Ariella chuckled softly. "I wonder if that's what you sound in bed," she muttered to herself. She shook him a little harder. "Come on we've got to go. I will get a bucket of water if I have to to get you up. Don't think I won't."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc blinked tiredly, his barely conscious mind was tempted to pull the pillow over his head. But the increasing unfamiliarity of the bed slowly roused him further. “Uhh… wha-?” he mumbled, still not fully functioning.


Ariella almost laughed. Instead, she settled for a quiet chuckle. "You can take a nap in a few hours once we get to our destination. But you got to get up. I want to be out of here within the hour." The longer they stayed, the more likely a chance that someone would catch up to them.


Ariella patted his shoulder and stood. When shuffled to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face and braided her back. She stepped back into the bedroom.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc hadn't really moved from the time she left to when she came back. He hadn't gone back to sleep, even though he wanted to, but he hadn't gotten up from the bed either. His hands were on his face, rubbing small circles in an attempt to wake himself up more.


Ariella laughed quietly to herself. She sat next to him on the bed, his shirt in her hand. "Come on, up up. We'll get you some coffee at our next spot. And some breakfast."


Ariella smirked, crossing her arms. "I think you have me beat for the worst morning person." She shook her head in amusement. She stood up from the bed and pulled on her boots, lacing them.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc managed a soft chuckle as he finished putting in his shirt. “No competition. I can handle late nights to the point of being… almost nocturnal. But mornings? Can’t do it.” he shook his head, moving to put on his shoes.


"Well," Ariella started, "If you went to bed earlier, I think you'd find that you would be able to wake up sooner." She was not one to talk. She was a night owl. And she loved her sleep. She would sleep all through the afternoon if she could.


Ariella silently walked out of the house they were in. The town was silent, only one or two people out on the streets starting their early morning. There was a slight chill in the air as the sun was just beginning peak on the horizon. She came upon the side of a building that had dried blood in the markings she had made back in the hospital. "Ready?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc was just awake enough to follow Ariella without any trouble or complaint. Fortunately, he was also aware that yesterday hadn't been some crazy dream. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” he nodded. “Though I don't know how many trips it’ll take me to get used to seeing you cut yourself.”


Ariella made a face. "If it makes you feel any better, I still haven't really gotten used to it either." And with that, she pulled a knife out of her pocket that she had swiped from the house and drew it down her forearm, causing blood to swell. It was a shallow cut but one that kept being made over and over again. She used the blood to retrace over the markings and waited for the portal to open. She grabbed Marcus's hand and walked through the portal.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc gave her an apologetic look, even though none of this was his fault. It was more like he was sorry that this was the only way. More out of habit, he watched the area around them as Ariella drew the symbols but accepted her hand when she was done. Though he was still a bit nervous as he followed her through the portal.


Ariella shrugged off his apologetic look. There wasn't any other way around this. Blood was the sacrifice that had to be made. And she would gladly pay it if it meant she could walk between worlds. She squeezed his hand, grinning back at him as they walked through worlds. This next one looked a little more like earth. And more like modern day earth. Advanced industrialized buildings, roads, car like vehicles. Everyone was dressed similarly to what Marc would be used to. It reminded her too much of Earth so she tended not to stay here too long and avoided it if possible. "Let's get you your coffee."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc managed a small smile back and returned the assuring squeeze. He blinked, a little surprised at the transition and familiarity of this new place. “Thank you.” he nodded gratefully as he looked around. “Where are we now?”


Ariella looked around them. "Evernth. Think of it as not earth. It's very similar but like, not." She crossed the street at the light and made her way to the little corner café. No one batted an eye at them or their appearance. They were used to Travelers here. It was one of the more common realms.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc nodded at the answer, trying to commit it to his still sleep-addled brain as he looked around. He was actually glad for all the similarities between this new realm and Earth. And the nonchalant attitude people seemed to have toward him and Ariella also helped him relax more.


Ariella pulled out a piece of bandage she had stolen from their host and wrapped it around her arm. She knew she would need for open it back up again but she didn't want to be bleeding all over the place. And her new clothes. She stepped into the little café. "What do you want?" She asked Marc.