forum The Traveler (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Sounds like a plan.” Marc nodded. “And I don't blame them for trying to survive out here. From what I understand desert life on Earth is hard enough. I can't imagine that with two suns.” he admitted.


Ariella just nodded her head. One foot in front of the other and the town slowly got closer and closer. It was near night when they finally reached the outer parts of the town. The homes were mostly made out of sand. Sand that had been wet o mud and then firmed before it had dried. It was a poor town but bustling with vendors slowly closing up for the day. The town did well enough for itself. "Let's hurry before everything closes." They still had a couple hours but she was dying for a bath and a bed.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc had finally relented and taken off the outer layer of his uniform at some point during the rest of the walk. As they approached the unfamiliar town, then again almost everything was unfamiliar to him right now, and admired the resourcefulness of the people who lived here. “Right. Lead the way.” he nodded as he picked up his pace to match hers, hoping that Ariella knew her way around.


Ariella kept her hands in pockets and slouched her shoulders slightly. This all worked because she appeared unassuming. Though because she was wearing outsider clothes some might question her. She had to be smart about this. She didn't like pickpocketing but sometimes it was necessary. She snagged a few marks out of someone's pocket that was distracted with a vendor. She counted the paper in her hands. Not enough for clothing and supplies. She grabbed a few more as they hurried through the ever slowly fading crowd. "Clothes first. I have an old friend that should take us in and feed us." Hopefully. "We'll plan and get supplies tomorrow."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I'm not even going to ask.” Marc sighed. He had done his best to ignore her little acts of petty theft but he still knew it was happening. He hadn't actually seen Ariella doing anything but because he knew why she needed to… there was no getting around it. But we’re not in London now, we’re not even on Earth. This is definitely outside of my jurisdiction. he tried to reason, glancing up at the sky. Besides, I’d be off work soon anyway…
“I hope your friend doesn't mind us dropping in so late.” he commented, agreeing with her plan.


Ariella didn't stop to think about turmoil it might cause for him. For a police officer to see her steal and do nothing because he couldn't. This was a matter of surivival. She had safe houses with supplies on her main routes she took. From here, she could jump them close enough to her safe house where she should at least have money and weapons for them. Clothes for her but she didn't know if anything would fit him.

She found a clothing shop Farley quickly and ducked inside. She went to the men's section, rummaging through some clothes until she found some that looked like it would fit him. A loose, tan, long sleeve shirt. It was thin enough to allow a breeze while still protecting from the harsh sun. A pair of dark brown trousers, and some boots fit for travel. "Try this on, see if it fits."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc let out a slow breath and followed Ariella into the building. He was able to relax a little more when he recognized it as something of a clothing store. It was still strange but it was also familiar enough to settle his emotions somewhat. “Thanks. How did you guess my size?” he asked, accepting the clothes and started looking for a place to change. He wasn't shy about his body but he didn't want to cause trouble by stripping in public.


Ariella pointed to a curtain. A small changing room. "You can change in there." Then she turned her back and began to look through the women's clothing. She was a little more picky and still wanted something that would look good on her. Compliment her skin tone and cinch at her waist. She pulled the clothes and shoes and hauled it to the counter. Then she waited for Marc.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

He nodded and immediately headed to the curtain she pointed out. But because of his uniform and gear, it took a bit longer to get changed. Marc wasn't going to leave his gun or stick behind… He just hoped he wouldn't have to use either of them.
Fortunately, everything fit comfortably. The shirt was loose and breathable. Even the pants and boots were nice. “Ok, seriously… How did you guess my sizes?” he asked again, chuckling softly as he came out of the changing area with his clothes under his arm, hiding his weapons.


Ariella turned as Marc emerged from the dressing room. She gave him a once over, smiling. Then she grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, I'm just very good with sizes." Her eyes twinkled. Her words had more than one meaning. She turned to the woman behind the counter and slid over the money. It was almost all of it. No matter. "I'm going to get changed. Wait here." She didn't want to be in those ridiculous scrubs any longer.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc raised a brow at the innuendo but only chuckled once as he stepped aside to let her in. “You Americans.” he teased lightly as he waited for her, casually looking around at the rest of the store. He obviously wasn't going to buy anything else but it gave him something to do.


Ariella just grinned at him as he stepped into the small dressing room. She changed into the red, billowing shirt. The long sleeves were loose and cuffed at her wrists. The dark brown pants were high waisted. They were tight, showing off her slim waist and curves. The pants were tight but stretchy material and she would have no problem moving in them. She laced up the boots and stepped out if the room. "Ready?" She asked.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Ready.” Marc nodded as he turned back to look at her. His eyes widened for a moment as he took in the transformation from hospital clothes to the much more flattering outfit this world had. But he quickly made himself look away to avoid embarrassing himself. “Uh, lead the way.”


Ariella fell in step beside him as she led them out of the shop. The suns were nearly gone and she wanted to get indoors before night was upon them. Exhaustion was already pulling at her and her steps were beginning to drag. She hadn't gotten much sleep while in the hospital. At least not after she had woken up. "She owes me a favor, two, actually, so she shouldn't turn us away." She was praying they didn't get turned away. "I saved her life. Twice. Si she really can't say no to me."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Well, that’s lucky for us.” Marc hummed as he walked beside her. He was honestly tired as well but because of all his training he was able to hide it a bit better. “Is this a usual thing for you? Showing up somewhere and finding a friend to stay with?” he wondered, trying to keep the conversation going.


Ariella shook her head. "No. I don't really have friends. At least not in the sense you're thinking. I have people with mutual interests as I and those that owe me. I mostly travel alone unless I have a common goal with another." She explained as she led them out of the vendors and into the housing district. "I have a few safe houses in my usual routes. There I've got enough supplies to refill if I'm low. And if I'm traveling elsewhere, I normally have enough money to stay at an inn or something for the night."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“That sounds like… a difficult life.” he sympathized, catching himself before he could call her a bounty hunter. There were similarities he noticed but it was more likely that those who had been chasing her, both in the hospital and on the street, were actually members of that profession. Then again the ones involved in the car chase could have just been “competitors”… though he still didn't know what for.
“Do all these worlds have different types of currency?” he asked since he knew the money he had was not helpful here.


Ariella didn't say anything. It was a difficult life. But she found it better than settling down with a job she'd do for the rest of her life and work until she dropped. She enjoyed the adventure traveling gave her, craved it. And while a friend or travel companion would be nice, it was just too dangerous. "Yes, but depending on the realm they might take currency from another place. It just depends on where. More frequented realms have a system already in place for conversion. Less frequented places, it just depends. But money shouldn't be too much of an issue for us. At least once we get to the next realm."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc smiled a little at the news and nodded. “But I'm guessing that this place isn't frequently visited so I can't help with that.” he hummed. “Otherwise, I would have offered to pay for my clothes.”


Ariella shrugged her shoulders. "More so than others but not as much as some. This is generally a realm that people pass through. No one stays longer for a day or two unless you're a resident. Or up to something." Which she had certainly been up to soemthing a couple of years ago. She stopped at a door, raised her hand, and knocked.


A woman opened the door. Her skin was a deep shade of brown and the texture like leather. Her eyes were larger and further apart on her face. Her head was larger and didn't seem proportionate to her body, but that was normal for the natives. She stood just an inch shorter than Ariella herself. Her nose was almost flattened against her face and her lips were thing.

Ariella grinned at her and the woman glared. "I suppose you're here to call in your favor." Her voice was deep and raspy, as if she rarely used the common tongue. Her eyes darted back to the man behind her then back to Ariella. "Good thing I've just started dinner." Begrudgingly, she widened the door and stepped aside to let the two in.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc did his best not to react to the woman’s appearance at the door, especially since Ariella warned him about it earlier. But he would be lying if he said it wasn't a bit of a surprise.

He stayed silent as the native woman opened the door to them and with clear reluctance let them both in. He did give her a small smile and nod of appreciation as he passed her. “Thank you, ma’am.”


Ariella simply grinned at the woman. "Thank you, Elekra," she crooned. The woman curled her lip, almost snarling at her. Friends indeed. It was a good thing Elekra owed Ariella her life. Twice. Thought that was a conversation for another time.

The ceiling was low. Ariella fit just fine but Marc would have to duck his head to fit in there. Elekra shuffled off to the kitchen, adding more ingredients to her food so there woukd be enough for the three of them. Her stomach growled just at the thought of food.