forum The Traveler (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I’m not going to go that far.” he grinned, easily picking up on her teasing attitude. Ariella seemed like a nice enough girl, despite being a scut, but he would hesitate to call her actual royalty of any kind.

Marc raised a brow at her suddenly sullen mood and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Oi. If you're worried about this staying secret, then you can trust me.” he promised. “I won't tell anyone because I’ll sound mad anyway but I won't even put any of this in my report. I'm pretty sure that being off of Earth would count as being off duty.” he smiled a little.


As much as it would be, Ariella was not royalty nor did she want to be. The few royals she had met were stuck up and spoiled brats. They needed to be humbled. And while she was a bit full of herself, she did understand there was a time and a place. "Hmm, we'll revisit that conversation later," she wiggled her eyebrows at him.

She looked up at him, startled as he placed a hand on her shoulder. She stopped walking for a moment. "That's not what I'm worried about. If you want to take a trip to the looney town, that for you to decide." She mustered a half smile. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this. In my defense, I did try to warn you off."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc chuckled at her expression but easily let the topic drop. But when Ariella stopped walking, he felt he may have been a bit forward in touching her. Even if he was trying to be assuring. Though he nearly laughed at her choice of words. “You did. I realize that now but I’m afraid I was too stubborn.” he smiled back softly. “I wasn't going to let you put me off because it was my job to watch out for you. Though I do apologize for being a nuisance here.” he added, looking around at the desert setting.


Ariella shuffled on her feet, not quite believing the words. She could have very well have left him back in that hospital but she didn't know what his fate would have been. If the others would have killed him or tortured him. Or may they would have left him alone. She knew it would do her no good to fret about what might have happened but she was a worrier, despite her aloofness attitude. "It's alright," she shrugged her shoulders, "It'll be nice to have company. I'm usually out here alone."


"Well, this is a little more than regular traveling." Ariella started walking again. A little more was an understatement. They were going to places that people on earth wouldn't even dream of. "And I can't say it'll be an easy vacation either. I do have people coming after me remember?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I’ll say.” he laughed. “Far as I’ve heard, regular traveling just costs an arm and a leg. Not anything drawn in blood.” Marc joked, taking his hand back and following Ariella again. “But don't worry. I didn't forget about them. Just trying to focus on getting us to the nearest city or town… Or wherever you're leading us.”


Ariella cracked a smile. "We'll, I'd say a little bit of blood is a lot cheaper than hundreds of dollars. At least I don't need you to worry about me being suicidal anymore now that you know why the cut is there." Said cut had finally clotted bit there was still dried blood on her arm. She would need to clean it properly. There was no point in bandaging it when she would likely be making another jump. "So what questions do you have?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“That's true.” Marc nodded. “When the nurses and doctors saw that… Well, that's one main reason why you were handcuffed.” he explained. “But I do have some questions. For instance, what can I expect from our destination? Like the two who were chasing you in the hospital.” he prompted, hoping that she would understand his question.


Ariella had figured. It wasn't exactly well accepted on earth unless she was around people who were the same her. She placed her hands back in her pockets, trying not to grimace as she felt her skin heating. She was going to get so burned. Thankfully there was a salve that should clear it right up. "I have a…friend, in town who can house us. If we end up where I think we're going. We'll regroup, stay the night, stock supplies and then be on our way." She turned her head towards him. "Try not to stare when we get there. You'll see then for who they really are. The natives here have dark skin, generally shorter than us. Some have leather type skin and others softer. Just depends on what sub species. You'll see a few non natives here but not a lot."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc nodded, listening to her explanation, and tried to picture the natives as she described them. “Thank you for the warning but I can't promise that I won't stare. I’ll try but I can’t promise it.” he admitted with a helpless shrug.


Ariella could deal with that. "It's going to be strange and you're likely not going to be used to it by the time I get you back home. It takes a while. And like I said, I was a child when I was introduced to all this. It's easier to accept things at such a young age."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Understandable.” Marc nodded. “I think that’s why I can manage England so well when I grew up Irish. I was young enough to adapt… somewhat. But old enough to keep the accent.” he smirked a little. “Does that make any sense?”


Ariella nodded her head. "It does. I still have my American accent. Though I have picked up on a few languages here." She looked at the slowly setting suns. They had been out there for an hour already. Hopefully the time would keep flying by with company. "Most places speak English, though it's called common tongue around here. Everyone will be able to understand you for the most part."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Well, that's good news.” he said in relief about the lack of a language barrier. At least in this location. “I’m probably going to look like a tourist anyway. Should I do anything about my uniform?” Marc asked, glancing at what he was currently wearing.


Ariella looked at his uniform too, though she was more focused on the muscles that flexed underneath it than the clothing itself. She liked to look. "We'll pick you up some better clothing. Something a little better suited for the climate."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Thank you.” Marc nodded gratefully, though he did smirk as he caught her looking again. “I hope you have the proper money for this… Realm since I doubt what I have in my wallet will be any good.” he half joked.


Ariella just looked ahead. She did not have money. Yet. She was a decent enough thief. She only resorted to it when necessary and always chose targets who coukd survive just fine without the money or jewel or whatever else she took from them. "Don't worry about it. I've got it covered."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc raised a brow at the answer. Though he was more or less used to her vagueness by now, he still wasn't sure if he trusted that answer. “As an officer, I feel like I should try to stop you. But considering I have no idea about what these places are like and you obviously do, I’m forced to rely on your experience.” he almost sighed, giving a helpless shrug.


(Sorry! Been a busy weekend)

Ariella just gave him a dashing grin. "I would never do anything against the law." A moment later and her grin faded. With all seriousness she said, "I do what I can to survive. It can be hard out here. I know what I'm doing. Trust me." She knew it was hard to ask trust from someone she barely knew. But it was the only way they were going to get through this.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(No worries)

Marc chuckled at her cheek, not entirely sure if he was convinced she was as innocent as all that. But he nodded as her tone changed. “Now that I do believe. So, I will trust you to know what you're doing.” he assured.


Ariella nodded her head. "I'll try not to get you into too much trouble. Then again, earth laws don't apply here. So assuming you know how to explain you're disappearance when you return, it should be fine." It probably was not going to be fine but she wasn't going to put that into the universe.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I suppose it would depend on how long I’m gone.” Marc shrugged, not sure if time was different here. After all it was an entirely different world, as the two suns kept reminding him. “Knock wood.” he huffed with a near smirk.


Ariella looked around then incredulously then back at him. Then down to his waist and crotch. "I don't think you want me to do that. Your wood is the only thing around here." She said it with such a straight face she didn't know how she mustered. She was smothering a laugh deep in her belly.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group


Marcus froze in his tracks for a moment, his face flaring red as his mind tried to reboot. “I meant… It's a figure of speech.” he stammered, not making eye contact with Ariella as he started moving again.