forum The Traveler (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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Ariella smirked. "Finjsh your food and then you'll see. It's a surprise. One I think you'll like. As ling as you don't question where I got them all." It wasn't all her of course. There had been a couple people who had contributed to this place. But none of then had been sourced ethically.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc chuckled under his breath and set down his empty dish. “I think I know enough about you not to ask those kinds of questions.” he smirked back. “Besides, I doubt I would know what you mean if you told me.” he pointed out since he wasn't familiar with half the places Ariella had been to.


Ariella laughed quietly. He did have a point there, on both accounts. She pushed off the counter and gestured with her head. "Well, come on then. I won't keep you on your toes for much longer. And I don't think I can keep it to myself for much longer either." She was a little too giddy about getting her hands back on these.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc smiled at the fact that he made her laugh and nodded. He had to admit he was definitely curious about what this “surprise” was and equally excited to see it. “Is it something that I'll be able to recognize?” he asked as he followed her.


"Hmm, in a way." Ariella looked back at him with a smile. She stopped in front of a door in the hall. It was the first door in the hall. The next one being the bathroom and then the bedroom. With a grin, she turned the handle and swung it open, revealing a room stocked perhaps a little too much with all sorts of weapons. Some could be described as ones from earth, some looked straight out of a sci-fi movie. Blasters and guns and blades and a rocket launcher. She wasn't quite sure how they had gotten that one.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc nodded thoughtfully and smiled back as Ariella led him down the hall, already wondering what she was planning to show him. Though as she opened the door, he stood there in absolute shock, his jaw slack and his eyes wide, at the sight of all the weapons. “Bloody hell…” he murmured breathlessly. “Now I know why you told me not to ask where you got these.” he chuckled, still in disbelief.


Ariella couldn't help but laugh at the face he made. She grinned, looking very proud of herself. "I only got like half of them. And I'm not responsible for the rocket launcher. That one was Isaiah. You'll meet him." If he's still alive were the unspoken words. "Grab what you feel comfortable with. I hope you don't have to use it but knowing myself and the trouble I attract, you probably will."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Only half and I would still feel like I stepped into that one scene from The Matrix.” Marc shook his head, before allowing himself to really look at all the guns. He was clearly hesitant to take any of them. “You know my training only covered very basic guns.” he reminded Ariella as he carefully picked up some kind of rifle and looked down the sight of it.


Ariella smiled at him as if she knew what he was talking about. She hadn't spent that much time on earth. Her knowledge resided in some Disney movies and Lord of the Rings. And some Game of Thrones. It was a classic. She put her hands in her pocket as she watched him. "Pick what looks interesting and I'll teach you to use it. Other than the rocket launcher. My skills are vast but even I don't trust myself to use that."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“All of them look interesting.” he admitted as he put the gun back in place. “But if you really think we're going to need them, maybe I’ll just stick with the handhelds.” Marc added, looking at the smaller weapons that seemed similar to his gun. Though he wasn't just looking at them for familiarity, he was also thinking that the smaller size would make them less noticeable.


Ariella nodded her head. "I never leave anywhere without being strapped up. If I can help it." She moved the opposing side where all the blades were on display. She grabbed a few throwing knives and a dagger. She would grab a gun as well but she felt more comfortable with these on her person. Easier to hide and easier to attack. No one ever really saw it coming from a little girl.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Considering the trouble that seems to follow you, that makes sense.” Marc smirked, even though he really did understand the logic, as he picked up a pair of guns and their holsters. “Especially with your… career. I'm not judging, I swear. It's actually understandable why you chose this with your lifestyle of Traveling.” he amended.


Ariella wouldn't blame him if he was judging. She didn't exactly have the most law abiding job, or ethics, or morals. She took care of herself first and foremost. However, she also felt a sense of responsibility for the others that she had dragged into this. And now they were in trouble and she felt obligated to get them out of it. She walked over the wall with all types of guns and grabbed a discrete blaster. She could hide it easily on her person. The more innocent she appeared, the better advantage she had. "Anything else catch your eye?" She asked.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc shrugged as he adjusted the holsters. “I don't know what else I’d be able to handle.” he admitted, though he did grab a couple of small switchblades when he noticed them. “How… advanced are some of these anyway?” he asked, curious about how “sci-fi” some of this stuff was.


Ariella watched him carefully. "I won't lie to you, there are some things in here that are even beyond my knowledge. So I would say pretty advanced. And I will also say, if this house caught fire, the explosion would destroy at least a half-mile radius from here." She moved towards the open door. "If you're satisfied, we can set up a target practice outside and let you get used to them." She could use the refresher as well.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc nodded and accepted the answer though he raised a brow at Ariella’s description of the explosion. “After hearing that, I think I could use a little fresh air.” he agreed, liking the idea of practicing with the new guns before moving on in their little adventure.


Ariella smirked at him though she had the decent to hide it from him. She led him out of the safe house and around the back to what would be considered a backyard. If only it had fencing. There was a tree up ahead with carvings and bullet holes already in them. And scorch marks from the blasters. It was a surprise to her that the tree was still standing.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc followed her, a little eager to try his hand at the new guns. He was fairly sure that the principle of how to use them would be the same as the guns he used back on Earth but it couldn't hurt to practice. “Looks like you've tested everything but the rocket launcher on that tree.” he quipped at the state of it.


Ariella smirked at him. "It's seen better days, that's for sure. We'll have to use a new target soon or risk it falling. It should hold steady for today, however." She walked over to him. "It's pretty simple to use. Very similar to what you use on earth." She showed him the mechanics of it, trigger, safety lock. Pretty simple.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“If you are sure.” Marc nodded, smoothly drawing one of the guns from the holster. He watched her actions and smiled at the similarities before turning the safety off. “Stay clear.” he warned as he aimed at the tree and waited for Ariella’s response before he even put his finger on the trigger.


Ariella nodded her head and took a few steps behind him. She had faith in him. It wasn't that hard to aim and shoot. It wasn't rocket science. Or a rocket launcher, in her case. She lowered her hands to her side, her fingers touching the metal she had strapped to her thighs. It had be a long time since she had used her throwing knives. She needed a refresher.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Once he was sure Ariella was out of danger, Marc let out a steady breath and fired a shot at the tree. It was all so familiar. The noise that seemed to travel up his arms, the recoil… But that single shot was mostly just to get a feel for the gun and how much he would need to adjust for how he aimed.


Ariella nodded her head, smiling. "See, easy. You're a natural." Never mind that he was a cop and was used to handling guns and all sort of weaponry. And he had some of the easier guns as well. Others were a little more complicated. Perhaps it was best for those to stay where they were.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Helps that I had a lot of practice and the fact that this gun is similar to what I usually use.” Marc pointed out with a shrug as he examined the weapon. “And I just had my evaluation last month.” he added with a small smirk. “But I think I'm going to fire three more rounds. That first shot felt like it pulled a bit.”


Ariella smiled at him. "Hm, if you say so. I still think you're a natural." She kept her distance from him. "Fire as much as you need. We've got plenty of rounds int he house. I'll restock everything after all of this is over." And Marc was safely back in his own realm.