She stuck out her tongue, getting off of the bed and stretching slightly. She glared at him, crossing her arms. "Now where's the bathroom?" she demanded.
She stuck out her tongue, getting off of the bed and stretching slightly. She glared at him, crossing her arms. "Now where's the bathroom?" she demanded.
"Down the hall to your left." Kade leaned on the door frame and smirked. "Enjoy your temporary freedom." He was almost daring her to try and escape.
She sighed, and headed to the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it, not quite trusting that he wouldn't follow her. After she did her business, she debated whether or not she could try to escape. No, she eventually decided. Best not to, not yet. Wait until he had dropped his guard a little bit. So instead, she communicated with a bird, sending it to check on Ryke.
Kade waited a few minutes, and then knocked on the door, loud and mocking. "Your Highness? Are you done in there?" He didn't expect her to still be there.
She swung the door open, glaring up at him. She was in the middle of tying her hair back again, and lifted her chin stubbornly. "Yes, asshole, I'm done." she said in a mock sweet voice.
The slow blink was his only sign of surprise when she came out. She wasn't gone… "Well then, come on, my lady." He swept into a low bow and shoved her back toward the room.
Arin crossed her arms, stiff-backed as she was pushed back into the room. She glared at him again. She hadn't really stopped glaring since she woke up.
Kade simply smiled at her, that infuriating smile that could make people's blood boil. He locked the door, but didn't bother to tie her back up. He sat in his bed. "We're leaving in the morning, so prepare for that.
"I don't have anything to fucking prepare, ass." She snapped back, clenching her jaw so hard she could have sworn a tooth cracked. "The only clothes I've got are the ones on my body, since somebody ambushed and kidnapped me."
"I meant prepare emotionally, but whatever." He shrugged, smiling internally at her expression. It was fun egging her on. "I guess, you could bring the blankets along," he said, gesturing to the bed. "To use as a dress."
She sat down, snorting. "No fucking way. I'll show up like this and scandalize everyone." she seemed slightly triumphant at that idea. "Unshaved legs and breeches instead of skirts."
"Well, that doesn't seem like much of a problem for you." Kade blew out the lanterns. "Go to sleep, Princess. You'll have a long day ahead of you." He sat on his bed, resting an unsheathed sword over his knees.
"Actually it's queen now." Arin informed him primly. "Since my parents are dead." she lay down and curled up into the blankets, her back to Kade.
His chuckle slid through the dark. "Alright then," he said in a low, rough voice. "Queen."
She let out a breath, closing her eyes and trying to go to sleep, curled up in a ball with the blankets pulled over herself.
(Time skip?)
(sure. To morning?)
(Sure! Do you want to start, or do you want me to?)
(I can or you can, idc)
(It doesn't matter to me. I can, if you want, since you were the last one to respond.)
(alright! Plus that way Kade can have the chore of trying to wake up Arin lmao)
(Ooh, yes XD)
(I'll respond in a bit, I gtg)
(Sorry it took me so long!)
Kade opened his eyes. The morning was still fresh and new, with the sun just barely peaking out over the horizon. He had timed his awakening perfectly. He had remained in the same position all night, leaning against the wall in a sitting position, with the sword over his knees. He knocked the sword off his lap, so that it fell onto his bed, catching the early morning light and shining it around the room. He stretched, stood, and moved over to the Prin - Queen's bed.
She was still asleep.
"Figures," he grumbled in annoyance. "Of course I would have to wake her up." He shook her shoulder, not gently, but not roughly, either. "Come on," he said. "Wake up, Princess. We need to go."
(it's fine!)
Arin was still curled with her back to him, her brown hair messy and fanning out over the pillow. She didn't stir at the shaking, except to curl into herself a bit more, the blankets pulled up close around her body. She let out a soft grumble, her eyes remaining solidly shut.
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