@Becfromthedead group
When Felix was rested in the cart, he laid on his side, panting.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, “I know how to get myself into a lot of trouble. Good thing I have you.”
When Felix was rested in the cart, he laid on his side, panting.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, “I know how to get myself into a lot of trouble. Good thing I have you.”
Eclipse nodded, sitting next to him. "Its okay…" he said softly, "I… I should've helped…"
"I didn't want you to help," Felix replied, "If you'd offered, I probably would've stopped you. Your arm's hurt, so you're not really in a state to be lifting heavy things. Speaking of which, what do we do with this last one?"
Eclipse looked down at that, feeling useless. Looking up again at the body, his swallowed dryly. "I don't know.." he said softly, before staring at the ground again.
"You don't think we can fit the cart back through there, do you?" Felix asked wearily.
"No… not.. not without breaking a wheel or something…"
"You think you've got it in you to go up there and haul this last one over the edge, then? I can help you get him up on the horse, and all you have to do is finish the job," Felix suggested, "I'm running out of ideas."
Eclipse hummed, "I… I think I can do that" he said softly.
"Alright, good."
Felix called one of the guards' horses over for Eclipse to ride and helped get the body on the animal's back. Once again, his vision started to fade. He sat back down hard and slumped himself against the side of the wagon. Felix gritted his teeth. His binding was starting to dig into his chest again, only adding to the pain and intense discomfort that he felt, and on top of that, making it hard to breathe.
Eclipse knelt beside him worriedly, "F-Felix?" he asked worriedly, not sure if the other was okay or not.
"Go on," Felix encouraged him.
He reached for his bag and grabbed his waterskin, taking a long drink from it. His chest heaved pretty hard, and he had gone pale.
Eclipse shook his head, "No… what if.." he trailed off, freaking out a little bit at how pale the other was.
"We just need to get this over with," Felix sighed, "Yes, it's pretty bad, but I've been through worse."
Eclipse nodded, taking a breath as he got down from the cart, coming up the horse and guiding it into the woods to dump the corpse.
Once Eclipse was gone, Felix loosened up his binding as much as he could, but it was still uncomfortable. It had left a lot of bruising. He wondered if Eclipse knew, and if he would have cared.
Felix did some deep breathing and drank more water, then ate a little bit from his rations. He wasn't feeling much better, but as long as he didn't have to move again, it would be okay.
Eclipse made the journey as quickly as possible, and was back at the cart about 20 minutes later, hoping Felix wasn't dead in the bottom of the cart..
When Eclipse came back, Felix was lying in the corner of the cart, wrapping himself up in his cloak.
"Good, you're back," he muttered.
When Eclipse came back, Felix was lying in the corner of the cart, wrapping himself up in his cloak.
"Good, you're back," he muttered.
Eclipse nodded, "You okay?" he asked softly, watching him for a moment as he climbed in the cart, looking for guidance.
(He's cute!!)
(Thank you! I love him so much lmao)
Felix shrugged. “I’ll be fine, but I’m feeling quite unwell,” he admitted, “Doesn’t matter though. I can rest on the road.”
Eclipse nodded a little, tensing as he realised the other expected him to drive the cart.
“Let’s go,” he said.
A few wisps of green aura laid over his throat and as the words escaped, he felt like he’d been punched.
But the horses started moving back onto the trail, so he’d done what he had to.
Eclipse relaxed a little, feeling useless as he sat back in the cart.
Felix let out a soft sigh. He looked over to Eclipse, a glint of pain in his eyes and his pupils quite dilated, though it was hard to tell against the backdrop of his dark eyes.
“I don’t think we can take another encounter like that,” Felix said quietly.
Eclipse didn't meet his gaze, feeling guilty. "Yeah…." he whispered, knowing the other was right.
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