Felix loosely wrapped the bandages back over his wound and pulled his shirt down, then opened up the note that came with the elixir. He should probably go ahead and drink some. He took off the cap and filled it with the green mixture, then chugged it as quickly as possible, though when he was done, he couldn't help but gag a little bit.
Eclipse heard that, and looked over at Felix with a look of concern.
Felix caught Eclipse's eye and just held up the bottle to show him what was up. He closed it and slipped it back into the bag.
Eclipse nodded quietly, his attention flicking back to the trees. It had been so long since he'd been able to let his wolf side free, and being so close to freedom…he wanted to run free. Desperately wanted to, buttoo scared he'd be betrayed again.
Felix laid down again on his back and yawned. He watched Eclipse, and could instinctively tell there was a ton he was holding back. What, exactly, he wasn't sure, but there was certainly something there.
Eclipse eventually sighed, letting his head fall back in trapped frustration.
Felix was still watching Eclipse, but he was growing sleepy, and his eyes started to slide closed.
Eclipse was staring up at the sky, thinking. Thinking about his mother. Why his father hated him. Why he had to be different. Why he couldn't just be free.
Felix fought off the sleepiness for a bit, still watching Eclipse and worrying, but he still had hope that Eclipse would find himself once he was far away from his abusers.
Eclipse eventually moved to curl up on his side, figuring sleep might help, or at least not staring out at the world he'd never been apart of.
Felix, noticing that Eclipse might be falling asleep, tried to stay awake to keep an eye on what was going on, but the heaviness in his eyes only increased. His body fell lax as he gave in to the sweet, gentle demands of sleep.
Eclipse didn't quite doze off, though he was close to it under the hot sun. Luckily the horses knew what they were doing or they would've been in trouble.
Felix dozed, although a bit restlessly, in the back of the cart. Much of the day had passed when he woke up. The sun was close to setting by now. He sat up groggily and took everything in around him. Felix climbed back up to the front of the cart to make sure everything was going to plan and they weren't lost or anything without his guidance.
The horses had ept going throughout the day, and had mostly stayed on track, while Eclipse slept peacefully in the back, catching up on everything from over the yars.
Felix perched up front to speak to the horses.
"You guys need to rest a bit?" he asked.
Please, yes, the chestnut responded.
"Of course. There should be a lake on down the road. Once we get there, you can stop and take a drink, graze, and whatever else you must. You ought to let me know when you tire, okay?"
The two stallions whinnied in response.
Felix looked around. They were a good distance from any town that he knew of, so they would have to pull off the road for the night at some point. He kept scanning the area ahead of him for any potentially good places to stop.
Eclipse yawned as he started to awaken, whining softly as he curled further into himself.
Felix looked back into the cart. He was about to ask if Eclipse was okay, but held his tongue, afraid that he would startle the other.
Eclipse looked up at the other after another moment, "How far have we come?" he asked sleepily, his hood falling back as he sat up.
"Fairly far. We're pretty close to the next major town. We couldn't get there tonight, but perhaps a bit into tomorrow," Felix replied, "The horses need to rest for the night."
Eclipse nodded, "Understandable…" he said softly.
"I wish we could… You know, actually sleep in a bed. That'd be nice," Felix said softly, "but it's alright. I have enough things to do makeshift bedding for us in the back of the cart. Although I don't think I'll be sleeping for a while. Or maybe I'm will. I'm still feeling a bit off-kilter if I'm being honest."
Eclipse nodded quietly as a response, "Sounds good" he murmured.
"Alright… would you like to take turns on watch?" Felix suggested, "You can pick whether you want to go first or second. Should be a pretty quiet night, but you can never be too careful."
Eclipse hummed, "I can go first.." he said softly, surprised the other trusted him so.
"Alright, thanks. I'll try to get some more rest in. Then you can wake me when your watch is over, and I can get the cart moving again in the morning, as soon as the horses are ready to go," Felix explained.
He began to unpack a few things from his bag, including an old, ragged bedroll, and some of his extra clothes.
"Just let me know what you want to use to rest on," he said.