@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator
Eclipse was definitely not heavy, especially from a skimpy diet, something he was suddenly more aware of as he followed Felix around the back.
Eclipse was definitely not heavy, especially from a skimpy diet, something he was suddenly more aware of as he followed Felix around the back.
Felix picked a cart big enough for them both to lie down in, and with a bit of recommendation, picked two stallions to pull the cart: one a chestnut color and the other a light gray. After getting the price, Felix dug up some gold coins and paid up.
The man helped them hitch the horses up to the cart, then returned to his storefront.
"Alright, we're out," Felix muttered to Eclipse, "I know a good route to take out of here. We should be pretty safe."
Eclipse nodded, having stayed as far back from the horses as possible, noting how they eyed him nervously. "O-Okay.." he said softly.
"Oh, right. The horses."
Felix approached each one carefully from the side, then walked around in front of them, making eye contact.
"He's a friend. You'll be safe around him," Felix assured the two animals, "Besides, he'll probably spend most of his time in the cart and you won't have to worry about riding much, if at all. You guys have seen half-wolves before, I'm sure. They're not like regular wolves, and they won't hurt you, okay?"
It sounded like he was talking to two children. He had taken on a very soothing tone and was stroking each horse's muzzle as he spoke.
Eclipse watched him, suddenly feeling calmer himself, relaxing more than he had since he woke up.
Felix walked away and got up into the cart at the front, ready to go. He still had little green wisps of magic around his hands and throat that were fading by the second.
Eclipse carefully waled forwards, getting up into the back of the cart, feeling calmer than usual, probably his wolf side responding to the druid's magic.
"Alright, now we're off," Felix told the horses, "I'll give you directions as we go. We won't be needing a whip or any of that since I can just talk to you instead."
He was only perched up at the front so he could see what was going on ahead of them.
The horses nieghed in response, following Felix direction as they started off.
Eclipse let himself settle in the back end of the cart, thinking quietly.
Luckily, the stables sat at one of the outer edges of the town, and they were able to make a quiet escape. Felix kept a vigilant eye on the town around them, making sure nothing would threaten them. He noticed some unrest in the direction of the tavern that he'd been to the previous day, and while it made him nervous, he could only hope they wouldn't trace it back to him so easily. Except they totally could if he didn't get out now.
Eclipse noticed his gae, and tensed up again, but he didn't say anything, just silently painicking.
Felix tried to hum a little song to himself to keep calm. He was still watching the activity of the town, but he was more focused on the way out.
Eclipse stayed a tense ball of anxiety in the back of the cart, rocking himself quietly.
"Joke's on them. I don't live there permanently. Once we're well out of town, they'll never be able to find me," Felix said.
They pulled out of the town and onto one of the roads leading north.
"Pick up the pace? Just a little?" Felix requested to the horses, and they obliged.
Eclipse nodded quietly, still rocking himself slowly out of sheer anxiety.
The cart continued to go well through the day. They had long passed the town and were on the road, no dangers in sight. Felix sat down in the back of the cart and laid down facing the sky.
Eclipse watched him shyly, not sure what to do as they rode along.
"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Felix asked, folding his arms behind his head.
He could feel his wound stretch a bit, and it was uncomfortable, so he winced a bit and adjusted so that wasn't so.
Eclipse nodded numbly, not sure what to do with himself.
"How are you doing over there?" Felix asked, sitting up and leaning against the side of the cart, "You're awfully quiet. What are you thinking about?"
Eclipse looked up at him, "Nothing in particular.." he mumbled softly, before looking away again, not sure what to say or do.
"Ah, well alright then," Felix said.
He opened up his bag and took out the jar of salve so he could apply some to his injury.
Elipse hummed quietly, turning his attention out into the woods, his eyes studying the trees as they passed.
Felix made sure Eclipse wasn't looking and started unraveling the bandages so he could get to the wound. He winced a bit when he pressed some of the bruising on his ribcage. Thyra was probably right about him needing to take more care there. At least for now, he was wearing a loose shirt to cover anything up instead of binding, but he was feeling the aftereffects, and they weren't exactly pleasant- they never were.
Felix ignored it as well as he could and popped the lid off the salve. He dipped two fingers in and rubbed it over the wound. It produced a nice, cooling sensation, but it also had the slightest burn to it. He put the lid back on and slipped the container back into the bag.
Before covering the wound up again, Felix couldn't help but just sit there and look at it, pondering over what would've happened had it been just a bit farther over or just a bit deeper.
Eclipse didn't notice what the other was doing, pondering over where he'd be if Felix hadn't shown up that night.
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