Kyle nodded, giving her a two fingered salute, “Yes Ma’am.” He chuckled and did as told, taking off his shoes and placing them neatly by the door before he entered somewhat cautiously but casually.
Kyle nodded, giving her a two fingered salute, “Yes Ma’am.” He chuckled and did as told, taking off his shoes and placing them neatly by the door before he entered somewhat cautiously but casually.
Xio did the same, placing her shoes on a mat inside the house. The second the door was shut, a curly-eared silver cat bolted through Xio’s feet. This was Milo.
Milo sat carefully inside of Xio’s shoes, purring. He must have liked the warmth or something. If not, she had no explanation for his behavior. Milo stared at Kai with big green eyes.
“Hi Milo baby! How are you my pretty kitty!” Xio cooed, runnin her fingers through the cats thick fur. “I love you Miiillooo.”
Kyle chuckled, adjusting his beanie before he knelt down and scratched under Milo’s chin, “Hey buddy, nice to meet you.” His fur was so soft and it reminded him of his own dog at home only smaller.
//Sorry had to get my little brother//
Milo purred loudly. Xio hummed happily. He was such a social cat. “He’s my pride and joy.” She said over her shoulder as she moved to a door to the left of them. It was opened to reveal a kitchen. A small table sat under the window, it’s length perfect for two. Two chairs were stuck under it, their wood twisted and old.
“I’m going to put some water on. Do what you want as long as you steer clear of the bed rooms.”
Kyle nodded and smiled a little at her, “Okay, gotcha.” Once she was out of view, Kyle wandered over to the table, running his hand over the surface delicately as if it might break at any moment. He sighed through his nose before turning to look out the window.
//Brb, going to my classes again//
Xio busied herself by seeking out the tea kettle. It was usually placed back in a smaller cupboard but today, her father had replaced it on a higher shelf. She grumbled to herself and stretched out, standing on her tip toes to pull it down.
(Okay, don’t know if ill be here when you get back. I ahve drama class and then have to bus home but I’ll repky when I can)
Kyle removed his glasses, cleaning them with the bottom of his blue flannel. If Xionwas here she would have noticed the freckles lay in there. They were generally hidden by his glasses. He frowned, wanting to get rid of them but he put them back on, focusing on the area out the window.
//Ok cool!//
A small park could be seen a littles ways down the street. Xio hated seeing it. The curtains were usually drawn and closed so it was strange to see them open.
Once she had filled and set the pot on the stove, Xio returned to Kai. She grinned, sneaking up behind him. “Whatcha looking at?”
Kyle jumped three feet in the air and frowned at Xio for scaring him, “Stop doing that! One day you’re going to scare me and I’ll hit you,” He willed his heart to still before looking back to the window for a second, “I was just looking at the view.”
“Pfft I’ll just laugh it off.” She grinned, nudging him gently. Her eyes followed his to the window. A scowl pulled at her lips. “It’s not the best view…” she mumbled, looking away.
Xio made her way to the couch, flopping down onto it with a loud sigh. “Tea sounds so nice right now. My body is sore.”
Kyle chuckled a little, turning back to Xio before sitting down in the space beside her, "I don't mind the view. I kinda wanna paint it in all honesty…" He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck while he shrugged.
“Do you paint?” She asked, slightly shocked. Kai was such an interesting person. She longed to have a life like his.
Xio turned herself so she could rest her head next to where he sat. She dangled her legs off the arm of the couch, taking and throwing her scarf onto the coffee table. She stared up at Kai, curious and innocent.
Kai nodded, face flushing red from embarrassment, "Y-Yeah. It's… been one of the things to help me through the past years of my life." Again, he shrugged a shoulder.
Even though it hadn't helped all the time, it helped most of the time and that was all that mattered. He was getting better and that was enough, even though it was slow. Very slow he was getting better and painting helped.
“Good! Keep painting.” Xio couldn’t paint nor draw for the life of her. She longed to be able to. She could give her characters life then.
She studied him for a few silent moments, not aware she was staring. “You are exactly what I need in my life.” She finally commented. A blush turned her face pink. “You’re a hecking good person to me, you offer help and comfort, you dealt with what you’ve seen so far of me, and you just have a good soul.” She closed her eyes for a moment.
“I’ve never had someone so supportive and comforting. Jeremy sucks at comforting.” She laughed a little but her tone was not joking. “I almost feel I don’t deserve you. But I know that’s silly because you’re here. Obviously I deserve you if you’re hanging around me, right?”
Kyle went something warm and gooey settle in his stomach at what she was saying and he was sure he had the goofiest smile on his face. He hadn't heard words like that for a very long time and he almost wanted to cry from happiness but he didn't.
"Honestly I don't think I deserve you. I've never had someone be so nice to me before and… in truth I can't decide whether the terrifies me or makes me so happy. Probably both. So let's just settle on that we both deserve each other."
“I like that. Fate brought us together. A socially awkward snow mage and an equally socially awkward serial killer-to-be.” Xio bit her lip to keep from grinning. She too felt happy he was around. Enough so it made her giddy. How he got her to such high levels of euphoria she did not know but he managed to do so.
Xio had to mentally groan when the teakettle decided to scream at that moment. She didn’t feel like getting up anytime soon. She rolled to her stomach then pressed up to her knees. For a moment she was close enough to Kai she could catch his scent. She sat back, escaping from the embarrassment that followed.
“I’ll go make our tea!” Her words were hurried and jumbled. She was even more confused now than she had ever been. Just what was Kai to her? A friend, right?. A good new friend that deserved all happiness in the world. But he made her happy beyond anything she had known. Not even books took her that high. Maybe she was just so unused to his personality. She had been isolated with Jeremy as her only friend for years. Kai’s personality was different than Jeremy’s. Maybe she didn’t know how to react around his character.
Xio shook those thoughts from her brain as she stood, adjusting her blouse as she moved into the kitchen. She grumbled under her breath and attempted to sort her thoughts out.
Kyle chuckled and watched her go, smiling widely at how flustered she had gotten for some reason. Even though he didn't know, he couldn't help but feel like he caused it and that made him smile. He'd never had that affect on anyone before and if he was being honest, he was slightly scared.
He'd known Xio for two days and already felt like he'd known her for years. Something about her smile and her laugh made him want to be happy himself, something he'd always had trouble with doing but around her it wasn't forced but natural.
He rubbed at his face with both hands, his glasses lifting up over his hands as he did so, the good thing is he wasn't as warm as he was in the hospital but he definitely had a temperature still. He wished he was normal and didn't have to deal with this stuff.
She had to lean against the stove for a moment to let her face cool. Once she felt composed enough, she pulled two mugs from the cupboard to her left. Tea cups were expensive, mugs were cheaper.
The two teas were made fairly quickly though she was sure they both needed more time for the flavor to set into the warmed water. Xio carried the two beverages easily back to the couch where she set her own down and handed Kai his. “Careful, it’s still kind of hot… and I’m sure it might need a little more time.”
Xio sat next to him keeping her distance. She fidgeted nervously and eyed a stack of books placed where a television would usually sit. Their television was in Xio’s room at the moment. Her father had let her move it there so she could keep herself busy while he was out. “K-Kai?” She stammered, biting her lip before continuing. “Would you maybe want to hang out with me and my father on Saturday? He asked me to bring a friend. But Jeremy is in the hospital… We’re going to a Japanese grill then to an all year round haunted house. You don’t have to if you don’t want to but the offer still stands.”
Kai took the tea gladly and blew on the top to cool it a little before he took a sip, "Thank-you, I appreciate the tea." He sent her a small wink before he contemplated her offer.
Saturday. What was Saturday? He was going to spend it with Levi and Denzel but then again, he hung out with them all the time so they could wait one day to hang out. He beamed at Xio, "I'd love to come! Thank-you for inviting me and hey, if you want on Sunday you can meet the twins," He shrugged, "Unless you have other plans or don't want to or just don't want to hang out, that's cool too."
She smiled sweetly, a hint of sadness behind the smile. She took her own and sipped on it, looking to the window. She wanted to close the blinds badly. “No problem. Tea always helps me. Tea and lemon poppyseed cakes. And Chicken Alfredo.” She had a lot of comfort foods and was ashamed to admit it. Though she was small and weighed so little, Xio was certain she’d end up overweight in the future.
Xio’s mood uplifted. She grinned from ear to ear. “Now I can’t wait. My father does want to meet you. Said something about making sure you were a good kid. I assured him you were, don’t worry. My father is a sweet old man with a taste for the paranormal.” Her eyes lit up at the mentioning of the twins. “Can I really meet them?! I’d love to meet them! I’m in one hundred percent.” She giggled, folding her legs underneith her. “I feel like I know more about you than myself now. Im so glad we got along so well and so fast!”
Kyle laughed, a real genuine laugh when he heard how excited she was over meeting his brothers and he shook his head a little, smiling, "Good. Now I'll have a friend for both days of the weekend. Is it bad that I'm nervous to meet you dad? And I'm glad we got along fast too."
“Not at all. People say he’s intimidating but he really wouldn’t hurt anyone.” She reassured Kai. Her father really was a genuine cinnamon roll. He gave out cookies and hot chocolate to every friend she brought with her.
Soon, Xio was sipping on her tea regularly. She giggled softly, studying his features and drinking them in. She did enjoy his looks on top of his on friendship.
"Well, if I find our you be lying to me and he's really some MMA fighter then you're be feeling cold for quite a while." Kai smiled behind his mug, taking a sip afterwards. He would never freeze her but, it was fun to threaten.
When he caught her staring and smiling at him, Kai raised an eyebrow and sent her a small wink, taking a sip of his tea soon after.
“Aww, you wouldn’t freeze me would you?” She pouted. The thought actually scared her. She knew he wouldn’t, but feeling trapped was one of her biggest PTSD triggers. And she was sure being frozen felt like a trap.
Xio bit her lip and felt her face heat up. She downed the rest of her tea to distract herself for a moment.
"Nah, I would never freeze you, promise," He placed a hand over his heart before finishing his tea with a smile at how flustered she had become, "I don't think I've ever frozen someone anyway, not that I can remember anyway."
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