Lucas lay his head on Skye's, his breath clouding in the chilled air. I forgot how cold it gets out here at night… "Hopefully Marco gets back soon… you and I haven't exactly eaten in a while, have we?"
Lucas lay his head on Skye's, his breath clouding in the chilled air. I forgot how cold it gets out here at night… "Hopefully Marco gets back soon… you and I haven't exactly eaten in a while, have we?"
Skye sighed, "Unfortunately that's true.."
Lucas was shivering now, despite the fire and jacket. "Heh, this sort of reminds me of camping… I-I went camping once when I was like, seven, I think. I still remember it…"
Skye hummed, pressing close to him, trying to keep him warm. He too was cold but not that cold.
"I went with my dad and C-Claus… I don't remember us doing anything out of the ordinary, but it was… nice…" Lucas continued gently petting Skye, his eyes distant. "It's one of the few good memories I have of my father.."
Skye nodded, letting the other reminence.
"I-I think we went fishing… you would like fishing. I mean, I don't know if you've ever done it before, but you know… Have you ever gone camping?"
"Once, but I've been out here on other occasions too" said Skye, Usually running from hunters…
Lucas nodded, yawning and staring blankly at the fire. "I like nature… it's kinder than people."
Skye smiled, "That it is…"
"Well, some people… I've met nice people, of course. Like you. Pretty much everyone else I know or knew was a dick though…"
Skye smiled happily, curling around him tightly.
"I guess mom was nice… Claus was still sort of a dick sometimes though. I think I've said this before, but I think you and Claus would've got along."
"I would imagine siblings are always jerks to one another at some point or another…" said Skye.
Lucas nodded. "Claus liked to tease me because I'm a bit of a coward… he always wanted to go out and play with some of the less dangerous forest creatures, but I typically shied away from them. I never trusted the things, honestly."
Skye nuzzled him, "Being a coward doesn't mean you're not brave…" he said, "Just admitting you're scared is hard enough.
"I-I suppose so… being afraid sort of sucks, though…" Lucas stared at the fire again. "I mean, I'm afraid of myself half the time. I can't always control my powers, and if I bottle them up too much… well, I sort of explode, in a way. It can be dangerous."
"Maybe Marco or I could help you figure out how to control them?" Suggested Skye.
"M-Maybe… I'm typically scared to use them around other people just in case. I think the best way to prevent it is just using small amounts relatively frequently, like starting the fire or something."
"Well you'll have plenty of chances to do that, since both me and Marco have mystic based abilities.
Lucas nodded. "I'm not entirely sure what all I can do, but I don't really seem to have a specialty… sort of all around stuff. And whenever I get a fever, I've obtained a new ability once it's gone. It's really strange."
Skye hummed, "That is weird…"
"I think it's the new ability coming on that causes the fever. It's my body reacting to the foreign magic."
"Weird" said Skye, his tail against the other's thigh.
"Yeah… my magic sometimes acts up more when I've got the fevers too. So, that combined with the normal symptoms of a fever… I don't typically feel too great during them."
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