“It’s not… encouraged amongst Fey, but it is seen as natural,” Sol said, softly rubbing Joey’s back. “I have seen the strongest warriors sob, and not thought them weaker for it. Keeping all your emotions inside… they must be released eventually.”
"Yeah, I guess so… Angels kinda suck sometimes, huh?" Joey laughed weakly. "Although I guess you probably haven't met many other than me. They don't come down here much."
“It has been a few decades since I’ve spoken with an angel,” Sol agreed. “But she was rather nice, if not incredibly headstrong. She and Kris got along well.”
"Mm… yeah. Only the good angels really come down here. All the mean ones are happy to stay up there…" He sighed softly.
“Well you’re definitely one of the good ones, I’m glad you came down here,” Sol said, cuddling Joey with a soft purr.
"T-Thanks…" Joey was quiet for a moment, just enjoying the time with Sol. "Where did you come from?" He asked softly.
“A forestland across the ocean,” Sol answered, somewhat wistfully “We still own some land there, though it’s changed quite a bit since I was young. Humans live closer and have taken to naming things, but it’s still ours. It’s beautiful… further north than here, far away from cities… I haven’t been back in a while.”
"Mm… maybe we could visit it someday." Joey smiled softly. "I would take you to see my home, but… I don't think you'd like it very much. And angels are pretty territorial. They don't like anyone other than angels going up there."
“Mmm… yeah, Fey are rather territorial, as well,” Sol said, returning Joey’s smile. “But if you came with me, no one would bother you, though they would be curious. I would love to be able to show you the forest, I think you’d like it.”
Joey nodded a bit. "I wouldn't want to bother them if they don't want me there, though… it's not really my place to trespass, you know? But I would be interested to see if you really don't think they'd be mad."
“They wouldn’t be mad, estello,” Sol chuckled. “Just confused as to what an angel is doing in our territory. And as to what you were doing with me. So you’d get some weird looks, but no one would bother you.”
"Yeah, I guess they'd be able to pick me out pretty easily, huh?" Joey laughed weakly. "White wings are almost exclusive to angels. I don't think I've seen them on anyone else."
Sol hummed in thought. “Yeah, I’ve only seen true white wings on angels,” he said, gently brushing Joey’s white wing with his own brown one. “They wouldn’t mind, estello.”
Joey shivered a bit and trilled softly, hiding his face in Sol's shoulder. "Mmm… are you sure? They won't try to hurt me or anything?"
“Of course not, sweetheart,” Sol soothed, running a gentle hand through Joey’s hair. “If you came alone, they might detain and question you, but they wouldn’t hurt you. If you came with me, they wouldn’t dare lay a finger on you.”
Joey nodded, huddling a bit closer to Sol. "Mm… maybe we should visit then, yeah? Do you have friends there too?" He asked curiously. "Maybe I could meet them!"
“I would love to take you there, estello,” Sol replied, warmth filling his chest as he cradled Joey. “I do have friends there, I’m sure they’d like to meet you, too.”
Joey smiled softly and nodded. "How long does it take to get there? Is it a hard journey?" He asked, tilting his head to one side a bit.
“I normally take a plane nowadays as it is far and difficult to fly, but I used to take a ship,” Sol replied. “If we went, I’d probably take a plane.”
Joey nodded again, stretching out his wings for a moment. "Sounds good to me. Plane tickets are expensive, though…"
“I have frequent flyer miles, don’t worry,” Sol said. “If we went, I could get tickets for both of us.”
"Alright, if you're sure… I don't think I've been on a plane." Joey hummed thoughtfully. "Never needed to go anywhere that I couldn't fly myself or drive."
“They’re not too bad. Just boring on longer flights and your wings get cramped. Less tiring, though, and we’re made for higher atmospheres, so the pressure change doesn’t effect us”
"Mm, yeah. We'd have to hide our wings during the flight though, wouldn't we? Like, with the glamours." He asked, fidgeting a bit with his hands. "Unless they're special planes, I guess…"
“There are some private airlines I could look at if you aren’t comfortable with hiding your wings that long, but otherwise yes,” Sol said apologetically. “It gets cramped after a while, but it’s not awful.”