forum rp, open to anyone, 7/♾️ spots filled
Started by @saor_illust school

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@saor_illust school

"No, I'm on the run from my family," Ava replied, annoyed. "And kit? You definitely grew up with the wolves." but hearing the girl's words, she scowled. "Kid, parents don't mean anything. They just protect you from everyone else, but in the end, they turn on you. Everyone does."

@saor_illust school

"Really? You don't really have any anymore after they try to kill you and cover it up," Ava said in an annoyed tone. "And no, he's just a smol bean that needs to be protected. He's only 9 anyways."

@saor_illust school

"Then why here? Why us? And why do you seem to be so… ignorant of so many things? Have you been living under a rock for your entire life?" Ava questioned.

@Echo_6 group

Kye was silently listening to their conversation as well as keeping an eye out for any unwanted attention. He walked over to the fire escape and jumped up to grab it. Then he pulled himself up and let the ladder down for the others. "Hey, if you want to keep talking that's great and all, but do so while we move," he called down to them.

@saor_illust school

Ava took Kain aside by the shoulders gently and began to speak to him in a soft voice. "Listen kid, I… don't really trust that kid either, but if we want to survive, we gotta be able to all get along, okay? Could you try? I'll protect you if anything happens, I promise."

@saor_illust school

Ava sighed. It was hard, having to hide her true emotions. Inside, she was shaking, trembling, even whimpering like Kain. But still not a single peep of sound or motion escaped her body.


Ethyn followed Kye silently. He was wrapped up in his thoughts, thinking about how he could help without pissing off Kye. He had taken the glasses off and his eyes weren't fully orange anymore, only the iris. "So, where are we going again?" he asked Kye.

@Echo_6 group

"We are headed to the edge of the city to get some help from a friend of mine," Kye explained. "Or, if we can't reach him, we'll be hopping towns."