“Up,” Chrysa responded reaching another roof top. This one was much higher and she pulled her grapple out again, “And then to my base. Then you can ask all the questions you want.”
“Up,” Chrysa responded reaching another roof top. This one was much higher and she pulled her grapple out again, “And then to my base. Then you can ask all the questions you want.”
He nodded, not saying a word before he jumped up to the side of the building, his hands chipping the brick of the wall as he scaled it, stepping on one of the gutters and pushing himself off of that to the top. He looked down at her calmly as she came up as well. He looked as calm as he did when he woke up, not worried about a thing. But really… He was just too tired to care about anything at the moment
Chrysa glanced down to see at least one or two guards attempt to scale the buildings. None of them were fast enough as Chrysa took the man’s hand and started to run. They would loose the guards soon enough as she had already seen that none of them had had wings. Though she should probably lead him to an abandoned building to hide out until the coast was clear.
As they ran from the guards desperately trying to get their prized possession (at the moment) back, with no good attempts, he spoke softly. "how far away is it? I'm too tired for this sh!t" he scowled though his voice still calm. He decided once he got there he would ask questions first, then take a nap. He was going to get that nap whether anyone's liked it or not.
“Pretty far,” Chrysa responded before she sharply pulled him left. She could see the gaurds following and mentally cursed, “See that building up ahead? Yeah we’re gonna hide in it fir now.”
He easily spotted the binding she was pointing at once he was jerked at a sharp angle. This woman was going to give him whiplash, he swore.
"alright." he sighed as if he had been arguing with his mother whether or not his friend could come over after school but she kept on saying no so much so to where he gave up.
Chrysa ignored his sighed and ran into the building before the guards could spot them. At least she hoped so. She pulled the male into one of the empty rooms without windows as the building wasn’t completely hollow. She let out a sigh letting go of his hand before going to the entrance to watch and listen.
"this place is nice" he says with a small content smile as he slid down to the ground and closed her eyes as his head leaned against the wall. He didn't know why she had abducted him or whatever, but to make things interesting and not go I sane over and over again with the same exact things, he decided it would be good to stay with her. Maybe why she's so pissy is because her boyfriend broke up with her or something petty like that. That's the conclusion he came to while resting his eyes.
Chrysa waited a minute before going back to where the male was now sitting. She sat down near him keeping her guard up, “We’re safe for now. So, what’s your name?”
He thought about it for a second as if he had forgotten before replying. "Min-Hyuk. They get lazy and call me Min" he says with a shrug. He used to absolutely hate being called Min, but now he was too used to it.
Chrysa nodded along hearing his response. He seemed kind of dead, but that was fine with her. Hopefully he would get better with time. She gave him a smile, "Well Min-Hyuk, I'm Chrysanthemum. Just call me Chrysa though."
He nodded, leaning on her shoulder and closing his eyes. He swore if she moved, he would be pissed. “Nice to meet you I guess” he says, obviously tired. (I’ll explain why he’s so tired when he’s asking the questions lol)
Chrysa nodded and just let him lean on her. She had no plans of leaving anytime soon, "Nice to meet you too. Feel free to ask your questions I suppose."
"why'd you take me?" he asked, relaxing on the girl. His eyes still loosely closed. He was still pretty confused and he would be a little mad about the whole thing at the moment. But he hadn't slept for about a whole week.
"Cause I know what living in the lab is like," Chrysa responded honestly. It wasn't the only reason she grabbed him, but it was one of them, "I know how horribly you guys are treated."
"oh" he nodded, dozing off a bit. "I'm sorry you had to go through that" he mumbled sitting back up but hanging his head low. (sorry it's short)
Chrysa looked over at him almost half asleep. She stayed where she was and pulled her legs close crossing them while sitting, "It was a long time ago. You're probably tired. Get some rest and I'll wake you when I think we can move again."
"no it's fine. I can stay awake a bit longer" he mumbled before dozing off on her shoulder.
(should we skip?)
(Yeah, skip to when he wakes up?)
Chrysa waited a few hours almost dozing herself, but she forced herself to stay awake. The sun was close to setting so they really couldn't afford to stay any longer. She nudged Min's sleeping form, "Get up. It's time to move."
Opening his eyes with a small scowl, he sat up. “Well yes ma’am” he says almost sarcastically as he stood, adjusting the collar of his nice shirt. Man he hated it and he was sure he looked absolutely ridiculous in it. But he didn't plan on complaining about it. “Lead the way” he says turning to her, running blackened fingers through his mess of hair.
Chrysa stood up from where she was. She made her way to the door and glanced around before walking back to Min Hyuk, "This way then. It's not far from here if I remember correctly."
He followed her silently, not caring where he was really. As long as he didnt have to worry about the lab guards chasing him.
“So does this mean you’re like me?” He suddenly asks the girl “if you were in the same situation i mean” his voice trailed off and so did his mind. It was still all in a jumble and a tangle of thoughts, being hollowed out by the second. He was curious as to see what his life would be like after this.
Chrysa removed her glove from one hand revealing the intricate INK of a dragon along with showing off the true scale like nature of her skin. She showed to Min before putting it back on and continuing along the rooftops, “Different splice, same idea,” she took a deep breath before letting out a sigh as her mind dipped back into her younger years. She had been lucky getting out of that hellhole at the age of 8. And even then it had been sheer luck and coincidence that she made it out, “So yes, I am like you.”
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