forum Rooftops O/O REBOOT (Sci-Fi/Dystopian/Romance) (OPEN)
Started by @ShadeStar

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Okay I changed it. By the way, the name was incorrect. I planned on using my other character Ryuu, but decided against it but I forgot to Change it, but it’s good now


Chrysa sat alone on the rooftops looking down upon possibly one of the biggest parades in the year. It was a grand event. Streets upon streets of the cities were flooded with people as the government showed off their creations. She personally found it disgusting forcing people, the ones typically kept in the labs to ensure successful recreation, to dress up and put themselves on display. Most appeared fine, dancing and shaking around their floats, others were clearly uncomfortable and all of them female. Chrysa shook her head and mentally scolded herself into focusing on her mission. Her sources had told her a new splice was being released today, and she needed to check on which one it was. She had been up there for some time now and nothing new even as the parade was starting to come to a close. She figured no new splice was coming and it was all false hype, so she made her way down onto the streets to see if she could at least make something of this waste of a day. Maybe she could grab a new recruit or two. Chrysa dropped down onto the alley below and began to slink her way through the crowd brushing off the stares she was getting from men. She knew what they wanted and they would get a nasty shock if they tried anything.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Hm, okay. Would it be okay if he’s in the crowd? Idk how I would correctly put him in as the new splice as I don’t know how you would want the government whatever thingy to work)
(Man, I’m being so difficult, I am so sorry. I just don’t want to mess up your story)


(I can put him in if you want me too? Just offering becuase you honestly really couldn't mess it up. The people in parades grew up in this big lab facilities where they get treated as less than people. They know nothing of the outside world and hardly know much of others outside of their splice species.)


Chrysa was about to give up and go back to the roofs where she wouldn't have to deal with the stares when the final float appeared. Huge announcements rang out as she finally caught a glimpse of it. This was it, this was their new splice. The float was covered with a dark woodland feel as she tried to get closer. Less of the 'performers' were on this float but one caught her eye. It was a male shockingly enough, and not only was he probably one of the youngest up there, but he was also the most eye-catching and ornate. Clearly, he was dressed up out of his comfort zone since he didn't appear that relaxed up on the float. In fact, he might be the only one of his splice up there. The rest seemed to be a mixture of deer and other woodland critter splices. Her mind was made up, she would cause a scene and then grab the new splice. If he was gone, then there was a likely chance the government couldn't make more of the splices.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Oh okay!)

Min-Hyuk stood on the float, his mind hazy and the loud noises replaced by a loud long ringing sound rewinding over and over again in his dizzy head. Opening his eyes as the moving vehicle came through the crowd, his cold mirror like eyes glazed over the crowd before his gaze stopped for a few seconds on a girl on top of a roof. Who were all of these people? Why were they so loud? Were they angered?
He didnt care. Holding a straight posture as he normally didnt in the labs, nice black slacks with a white button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbow. He hated how uncomfortable this was, but his face held no emotion. No strength to smile and wave even if he wanted to.
A system malfunction? Maybe…
He looked down at his darkened clawed hands before slowly lifting one up, giving a lifeless small wave to the crowd, mostly of men. He felt daggers of glared from across the sea of people, the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. He was already as paranoid as is. This was not helping one bit.
A mans name on a speaker boomed throughout the crowd and in his ears. It hurt, but he showed no emotion. Ringing and the light pounding of his chest in his head as his eyes he held open began to get even heavier as he heard the simple vibrations of the mans voice on the float beside him. Forest prompts and some real trees, leaves, vines and some creatures around him.
Everything was so hazy… he just wanted to go to sleep…


Chrysa took a deep breath and was careful as she snuck onto the float. She didn't have a plant slice to give her a quick getaway so she had to do this with her own skillset, while not using her wings. This was going to be more difficult than she had thought. One of the government officials on the float noticed her, but she shocked him into unconsciousness before he could do anything or alert anyone. Though she was sure someone had to notice, so now it was time for her to go fast. She pulled her bandana up around her nose and face before creeping around the forest scenery. She couldn't blend in, but at least she could get close before grabbing the dude and running.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

The man Spoke a few more words, telling the crowd what their new invention could do.
Repeating three certain words as the crowd looked at the boy standing in the middle. His eyes glowed a white red color in the light of day, the sun rejecting his eyes iris.
Triggering a nerve in the side of his hand, his neck twitched slightly before his clawed hands flexed, looking a lot bigger now. Almost as a shadow, smoke rose from them as he did. Waving his hand, the big man turned it onto a fist, and his body relaxed. Soon he was talking about the Splices that were to come. And before he knew it hands wrapped around his body. Not thinking anything if it, as it felt like just how the people in the lab handled him instead with chains. He was used to the feeling. He guessed he was going back in the hole…


Chrysa was careful handling him. She could see the guards in the crowd starting to move, so she just moved faster. The man wasn't responding as he should be and she would have to talk to him about that later. His abilities were quite easily, insane, and his appearance, was unique, to say the least. She pulled out her grappling hook, archaic technology these days, and launched it out into the crowd. Oh god she had to pull him with her, this was going to be interesting. Maybe he would finally fight back.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

His eyes followed the panicked faces of the guards as he was dragged away, his feet lightly helping until he realized what was going. Cursing under his breath, he looked at the girl who's arms were around him with a slightly annoyed glare, his gaze piercing.
He didn't like his life, but that was all he knew. So he decided to lift of his feet, going along with the girl. Though he stopped once on top of whatever she grappled. "what do you think you're doing?" he let out a low growl of annoyance from his chest before looking back at the guards running towards them. What the hell was happening exactly?


Chrysa put he grapple away once on top of the shorter roof. She let out a silent curse at the sight of guards rushing after them. She looked at him then the guards. She grabbed his hand and glared slightly into his eyes. Her eyes were a piercing red and her features were made up into a panicked and frustrated scowl, “I’m helping you. You weren’t fighting me earlier so why now?”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"I'm not fighting you" he jerked forward as she pulled him by his clawed hand. "I'm just curious. But I'll do some interrogating later. Where do we go?" he asked, slightly threatened by her own glare. He didn't know if he liked this girl. She seemed too pissy, but he followed her nonetheless