forum Romance one on one of some kind? (Closed)
Started by @gracehustle

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She laughed lightly as he tugged her towards the motorcycle and she happily went with him, excited to taste his sisters cooking.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Once they reached it, he let go of her hand to grab her helmet and give it to her. "Here you go, milady," he said, then slung his leg over the bike once she grabbed the helmet.


“Thank you, my Prince,” Jynna replied, taking the helmet and popping it on her head easily. She slid onto the bike behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist with a smile, “Ready when you are.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Alright, to the food," he said cheerily, starting the bike. He then pulled out of the parking lot and headed to his house, smiling idly to himself.


She let her mind wander as they drove to his house, going over what she had learned in class and what she had to do the rest of the week.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Once he pulled into his driveway, Rhydar shut off his bike and looked over his shoulder at Jynna. "Here we are. No guarantees that everyone will act at least a little normal just because you're here."


“I have siblings too you know, I’m used to this,” She replied, taking off the helmet with a smile, “And normal could mean a lot of things, I wouldn’t want them to act different just because I’m here.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Then prepare for different languages, yelling, nerd talk, some sort of debate, or some other shit I can't be bothered to remember that they do." He got off the bike and held out a hand for her.


She laughed and took him hand, slipping off the bike and setting her helmet down on the seat. “Different languages and debates? Your siblings sound awesome.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Those are mainly aimed towards my sister," he said, leading her to the front door.
As he opened it, they could see a golden-haired girl launching herself onto the back of a black haired boy. "Ah ha!" the girl exclaimed, "Now what're you going to do?"

The boy just sighed and ignored the girl clinging to his back like a spider monkey. He turned in the direction of the opened door, and his heterochromia eyes could be seen as he arched a brow in question. His left eye was a ocean blue whereas his right eye was a forest green.


Jynna smiled and glanced up at Rhydar, “Care to introduce everyone?” She stepped inside and waved to the boy and girl.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The girl popped her head up and smiled, waving at Jynna. She then looked to Rhydar, hopping off of the boy's back. "She's cute," she commented, putting her hands on her hips, "I approve."

Rhydar rolled his eyes. "This is Tessa, the parasite." He gestured to the golden-haired girl, who grinned sweetly. "And that's my little brother Wulfric."

The boy nodded in greeting. "Just call me Wolf. And yes, I'm perfectly aware of how weird my name is."

Rhydar then gestured to Jynna. "And this is my girlfriend Jynna."


Jynna laughed at Tessa’s comment before waving to Wolf, “Nice to meet you both, and I like your name, Wolfric, it’s original.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf blinked but smiled. "Uh, thanks?" He turned around as another girl showed up between him and Tessa.

She had similar eyes as Wolf but reversed, and a mass of dark curls invading her face and falling to the middle of her back. She rested her elbows on Wolf and Tessa's shoulders, using them to lean on. "I take it you're the girlfriend that I'm to meet?" she asked with raised brows.


She nodded and offered the girl a smile, looking around the house and glancing at Rhydar every so often, “I’m Jynna, and you are?”

@ElderGod-kirky group

The house was two stories and relatively simple, with a pretty open layout. They were currently standing in the living room, and directly behind them was the kitchen.

The girl returned the smile with a small one of her own. "Cinthia, the older twin of this one." She poked Wolf's cheek.


She nodded again, “Nice to meet you, and all of your siblings.” Somewhat instinctively, she took a barely visible step closer to Rhydar and the one person she knew in the room.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar looked down and squeezed her hand in reassurance. Cinthia noticed and shooed Tessa and Wolf away. "C'mon Wolf, you're helping me cook. Tess, you're either helping me or leaving them alone."

"Awwww," the other girl complained but trailed after the twins into the kitchen.

Rhydar rolled his eyes.


“That’s a lot of siblings, more than I have,” She said once the others had left to go cook. She turned to face him, slipping her shoes off and setting them by the door gently.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Tess doesn't belong to our family, biologically, but she's basically adopted herself into it." He scrunched up his face as he replayed his words. "If that even makes sense." He slipped his shoes off as well, then led her upstairs to his room.


She nodded, following him up to his room and looking around at the house at the same time “Not biologically related but is basically family.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yes," he agreed, nodding. "Her and Cin started out as friends, and then she just kinda inserted herself into our family." He opened the door to his room, gesturing for her to go on in.

His room wasn't extravagant, but it wasn't simple either. His bed was a king, but just had a black comforter and white pillows on it. He had a walk-in closet with all of his clothes stuffed into it. He had a stand with two boxes on it, one holding his rings and the other holding his earrings.


Jynna stepped inside his room and looked around, nodding. “Your room is a lot cleaner than mine.” She looked over at him and leaned against the wall next to the door.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He shut the door, huffing a small laugh. "Yeah, I don't do much besides sleep in here." He stepped in front of Jynna and rested his forehead against hers, his hands on her hips.