@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
She smiled. "Well I'm deeply sorry. Will you forgive me Sir Levi?" She asked pursing her lips. She wasn't sure who he was but she thought it's best to drop it.
She smiled. "Well I'm deeply sorry. Will you forgive me Sir Levi?" She asked pursing her lips. She wasn't sure who he was but she thought it's best to drop it.
"Apology accepted. I'll have to think whether i should forgive you or not" he says jokingly. And this time you could actually tell.
She smiled. "Well if you don't that project will be rather awkward." She beamed, pulling her hand away from Jin.
"Fine, i forgive you. Though it was immensely hard. I have to admit" he joked as they drove back to the dorms.
She giggled at his strange sense of humor. "Oh my, I'm so sorry it was such a tough decision to make. Next time I won't make such a difficult mistake to forgive." She joked throwing her hand over her forehead. "Otherwise you may never forgive me!" She let out a fake sobbing noise, but laughed half way through.
He pressed his head against the steering wheel as they stopped at a stoplight and let out a chuckle. "Good. Next time i don't know if ill be able to forgive you"
She flopped back against the seat. "Like bullets to the heart." She shut her eyes and let a smirk rest on her face.
He looked at her through the mirror and once they were in the parking lot, though still driving, he did a break check. Though making sure she didn't get hurt.
"Oh, whoops" he smirked.
"Whoops?" She asked aghast. "Whoops? You break my heart and your response is whoops!?" She teased.
He turned around wide-eyed. "Wait? Your heart? Howd i break your heart?" He asks
Jin, on the other hand, slammed against the airbag. "Gee thanks flirt" he rolled his eyes
Laura jumped a hit at his explanation. "It- it was a joke?" She said confused Looking at him with a half smile.
"Oh…sorry i thought…yeah nevermind" he hid his face, embarrassed
She smiled and looked at Jin. She bit her lip and waited to see Jin's expression.
He just chuckled and whispered to Laura. "He's beet red" he whispered in her ear
She smiled at Jin and sat back. "What time isn't it anyway?" She asked shutting her eyes.
"Time for you to get a watch" Jin says with a little laugh and finger guns. "7:48" Levi says glancing at his golden watch as he opened the door
She rolled her eyes at Jin. "Dad much?" She joked.
"You had the chance to say Daddy and you blew it" he says also getting out and opening the door foot him.
"Jin, i will cut your fingers off in your sleep if you keep on saying inappropriate things such as that. Either that or shave your head" Levi glared at him
"You can stay at my dorm." She joked to Jin. She bumped elbows with him, as she got out of the car.
He cursed his pale skin, as he turned red and looked up at Levi, who was glaring daggers into his very soul.
"Now who are you into huh? Me or Levi?" He joked
She flushed some. "I- I just don't want Levi to murder you…" she whispered avoiding either of their gazes.
Levi leaned over the car, his chin resting on the roof and his deep blue eyes gazing at her at he waited for an answer, though he didn't catch what she said.
He rounded the car and bent down to her level as he stood beside her, looking at her pretty face. "Sorry I didn't hear that? Did you answer his question?" He asked her in a soft whisper to her ear, his British accent showing a lot more now.
Jin leaned on the car smirking as he watched their interaction.
She stiffened when he whispered in her ear. She flushed a deep crimson. "I- you- murder him and- protect-" she didn't have a clue what to say. But then an idea struck. She put an arm over his shoulder and a finger to his lip. "I mean we don't want to hurt our friend do we?" She bit her lip and looked him straight in the eye. "If you did-" she smirked. "Nobody would ever call you daddy again."
He looked at Jin, then to her eyes. "We don't want that happening now do we" he says with a smirk and swept her up off of her feet and held her bridal style. "Welp, let's go. You seem plenty tired" he carried her easily into the building as Jin followed the two as he laughed his head off.
Her cheeks lit up lightly. She dug her chin into his shoulder and looked at Jin. She glared at him and looked back at the ground. She could hear the receptionist giggling madly.
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