@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
( I KNEW he was gonna say something!! XDDD)
Laura smiled as she watched how the two acted. "I swear, are you his parental? You sure act like it." She joked looking at Levi.
( I KNEW he was gonna say something!! XDDD)
Laura smiled as she watched how the two acted. "I swear, are you his parental? You sure act like it." She joked looking at Levi.
(He also has something to say XD)
"Well if he's going to.act like a child, then yes" he nodded.
He took another bite of his salad, then a sip of his lemon water as he watched Seong-Jin pout.
Laura bit her lip wanting to say something, but they may find it inappropriate. "You really are making me want to say something… but I shouldn't." She said avoiding their gaze. "You know what, I can tell you." She leaned over and whispered to Jin. "I swear if you tell him this I will murder you, but for every father you need the loving supportive mother." She pulled back from Jin and took a bite of her food.
Jins eyes went wide and he almost choked on his food. Levi simply watched the interaction without a clue of what was happening.
"Well then can i call Levi Daddy?" Jin says to Laura though out loud.
"Alright" Levi spoke up, grabbing his fork "which is your least favorite finger?" He says to Jin, who's laughing his head off, though trying to stay as silent as possible.
Laura tried not to laugh she didn't really want to lose her fingers. "It's my fault, I'm sorry. Don't stab him please." She said placing a hand on Levi's.
"Oh? And how is it your fault?" He raised a dark eyebrow at her, waiting for her response.
It wasn't like he was actually going to cut off his fingers.
Maybe one or two though
"I-uh said something that- uh… you know…" She was kinda flustered. "I mean it was nothing bad, or- about you. Really. I-" She looked at Jin for help.
Jin just looked at her as if he had no idea what to do. He shrugged his shoulders, knowing she was going to have to say something. Either the truth, or lie as a cover if she didn't want Levi to hear that badly.
"Well?" Levi says inching the fork towards Jins hand.
"I just said something about how much you look like a father, and honestly act like it. You'd make a great dad." She lied with ease after the fork inched closer to Jin's hand. She let out a breath mentally at coming up with something so quickly.
"Well now in offended" he joked, though he seemed serious.
"Dads are old and grumpy. Now i know I'm grumpy, but do i really look that old?"
She bit her lip. "I- didn't mean it like that." She said flustered now. "I just meant you're very disciplining and- dare I say- caring." She nodded.
"Caring? Hah, I've been told I'm the complete opposite" he says finishing his plate and drinking the rest of his water.
Laura sighed. "Well- They haven't met you the way I did." She pointed out.
Jin looked Curious as ever "wait…how did you guys meet?" He asks as he also finished his pizza, planning to order more.
She stiffened. She mentally pounded herself for even saying such a thing. "Well, I had just gotten to the college. I was going to check in and all that jazz, but then of course clumsy me tripped. Levi saw me, and came to help. I-" She turned pink as she replayed the events in her head. "Uh stood up, and went to take a step… and fell… right into him…" She bit her lip. "So he kinda took me to check my ankle… and uh yeah…" She just didn't feel like going into anything after that.
"Dude, that sounds like those romance novels" he laughed a little bit. Levi kicked him from under the table as he almost choked on an ice cube in his water and his face turned red. "Anyway, is your ankle doing better?" Levi turned to Laura, though threatening to stab Jin, who was scared to death now
She nodded. "Yes, it was sore this morning, but it's fine now." She said trying to ignore the comment. Jin was an interesting character for sure. "What about you Jin? Do you have a first love? And how'd you meet?" She asked slyly.
He bursts out laughing and turned to him. "One, we never brought up first loves or anything. But i definitely know where your mind is now" he whispered to her with a wink.
"Anyway, no. No loves in my life. Though, one time. I was walking down this hallway with my buddy, and i saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen come out of an elevator with a beautiful dress. Well, we ended having pizza and..pasta with her" he winked
Levi picked up one of the extra menus on the table and hit him on the top of his head, messing up his snowy white hair that he styled oh so perfectly. "Hey! Come on man! That was good!"
She rolled her eyes as she tried to push away his flirtatious comments. "Oh really? The most beautiful girl you've ever seen?" She asked with a light hearted grin. "And you got to go out with her? She must've been something special." She joked poking his stomach. She really didn't want to flirt with him, but teasing was alright with her.
"Yeah she's absolutely stunning. Though my buddy that went out with us stole.her heart" he says leaning back dramatically sighing. "Heartbreak…sigh….so horrid"
And yet again, Levi kicked him in the shin
"Oh so you like this girl huh? But your friend stole her heart you assume?" She let a smile curve onto her lips. "Are you sure she has fallen for him? Girls can be rather confusing in my opinion." She leaned on her palm.
"Seems to. I have no idea how she actually feels" he says with a shrug.
Levi was beat red at this point. He no longer held the fork to his hand, nor was he kicking Jin as he spoke. He just sat there quietly, not knowing what to do
Laura noticed Levi's state and dropped the subject. "Well you never know until you ask her. But is there any one else you can think of?" She smiled sweetly.
"Nah. No one's ever really fallen for me. And I've never really fallen for anyone. What about you?" He asks leaning on his palm
"Well I told you, about me and my Ex going to Paris." She smiled then turned to Levi. "What about you mister stoic? Any love interests?" She fingered her napkin.
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