forum Private RP with Write!
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He stopped at the elevator, having Jin open the door and they stepped in. He looked down at Laura with a little laugh. "You're lighter than I thought. Though not by much"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"No that's not what I mean. Youre lighter than I expected. But I already expected you to be really light" he shrugged. "Though that might be why nobody fallen for me yet." He says to himself. "Oh well. Anyway, you're light. As a feather. And as pretty." He says adding in an extra compliment to make up for the other comment

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He blushed and looked away. "No you have not. Is that your way of telling me that i do?" He asked her as he averted his eyes from her own.
Jin was just in the corner watching the whole thing go down.
And taking notes

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Okay i will XD)

he blushed and looked into her eyes. "Well i wouldn't say that. But…thank you." He says biting his lip nervously.
If he weren't strong he would have completely dropped her when she did that. Thankfully he didnt

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

The elevator door opened to a girl standing in front of the elevator.
Levi looked down at Laura, whom was in his arms, as beautiful as ever.

(Okay so what if the girl is Eliza? Cuz i think that would be gold right there)

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(Oh YAS queen.)

Laura looked to the door and froze when she saw Eliza. She seemed, not annoyed, more like furious. Laura placed a gentle hand on Levi's chest and pushed herself out of his arms. "H-hey Eliza." She tried to be friendly. "Laura, I've been so worried." She said with totally fake concern. "You've been gone for a really long time. I was planning on coming to get you." She said grabbing Laura's arm. Laura gave a confused look and looked back to the boys with a shrug. Eliza gently tugged her. "Come on let's headband back to the dorm." But Laura stopped her. "Give me a second." She quickly hugged Jin, and then turned to Levi. "Thanks for a fun night." She winked and stood on her toes. She gave a gentle kiss to his cheek and turned around to follow Eliza.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(I love this roleplay XD)

Levi raised an eyebrow at Eliza, but let her down and simply watched the interaction.
He found it weird that she was acting like so, but he didn't question it. Good day for her maybe? Maybe someone actually liked her for once?
Jim hugged her back happily.
Levi froze when she kissed his cheek, starting wide eyed at her as she walked away, offering a small wave. Once Jin closed the elevator and the girls were out of sight Jin smirked mischievously and leaned on the elevator. "What happened to not being into her?" He asks raising a brow.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Eliza slammed the door when Laura was in. "How dare you. You little nimp! Levi deserves so much better than you." She sneered. Laura gritted her teeth at the familiar words. "Excuse me?" Laura asked maintaining her composure. Eliza on the other hand was practically growling. "You think you're so cute making a move on him. Well you need to stop your elusid daydreams and drop it you son of a b*****." She shoved her against the wall. "Levi is mine." She turned and slammed the door to her room leaving Laura to stand defenseless.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He blushed a little as the elevator went up to their floor and opened. Levin quickly stepped out and went to his dorm without a word. He was always really silent when he was feeling a strong emotion all at once.
"I need to go shower." He says quickly grabbing and towel and shutting the door to the bathroom.
"Yo dude, you alright? Your accents like you came straight from Britain itself!" Jin says putting his ear to the door. "I just…need some time to think" he says as he let his shirt slip off of his back, revealing all of his scars and burns. He was never fond of them, but he didn't care either way.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(,':3 that's hot Levi)

Laura slid down the wall and thought over the day. She took a deeep breath and let it out slowly. She pushed herself up into her room and flopped onto her bed letting herself immerse in all of the giddy and hopeless romantic feelings she had felt during the course of the day. She picked up the phone beside her bed and dialed to the Levi's dorm. "She sort ignorant hoped Levi would answer, but then again she wanted to talk to someone, about Levi. She sat eagerly as the phone dialed.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Levi let the steaming hot water flow over his body as he stood there, running his hands through his curly, soaked hair. He thought about the day, about how awkward he was. About that salad….man it was good. He wished he could talk to someone about how good it really was. But he was too caught up in something else. Her. And he couldn't seem to get his mind to wander anywhere else but her. And…she kissed his cheek!
He covered his face with his hands for a second as his face turned red. And it wasn't because of the hot water.

As quickly as Jin flopped down on his bed, he bounced back up to the phone ringing. He took it and answered with a smile. "Hello?~ sorry, if you're trying to talk to Levi James, he's not available right now. Try again later" he says into the phone, not realizing it was Laura.
Nobody ever called for him. Only Levi. Either a girl wanting to confess her undying love to him, or one to curse him out for being so rude. .yeah, they've only been here for about three days, but it's already happened a few times.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He gasps and covered his mouth, a huge smile grew on his face, making him look like a little kid.
"Whaddya wanna talk to me about huh?" He says with a smile as he sat down on his bed.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Okay I swear I'll let Levi cut your hand off if you make fun of me. I won't show you any mercy." She stalled. "But oh my gosh I need to talk to you about love." She rambled the last part quickly. "Remember what I said about Levi cutting your hands off." She said sternly waiting to hear his response.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He laid his head back and sighed, closing his eyes. Of course…
She wanted to talk to him….about Levi. Not just to talk to him and get to know him.
He sat back up and smiled, though she couldn't see. He was glad she couldn't though, because he was doing a bad job faking it.
"Yeah yeah yeah. I know. Now spill the tea. What's up?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Well I guess it's a bit more than that. Let's start with what's bugging me. Yeah I'm terrified my roommates' going to murder me to start." She said as plain as a normal conversation. "And she totally could, so how's your sleep schedule? Because I may call you at 2:00 a.m. just so I'm not in darkness." She asked without a hint of a joke in her tone.