forum Private RP with Write!
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Haha, he's used it so its fine)

He had a concerned expression, "uh….wait what? I mean….yeah okay. Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?" He asks running his fingers through his white hair.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Well, if you're up to it, I was gonna ask you for advice." She asked hopefully. "I mean only if you want to listen. You don't have to." She said twirling it around her finger. She stood and walked to the bathroom looking at the mirror with a sigh.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Um, yeah. About what…?" He asked as he messed with the thin silver chain necklace around his neck as he laid down on his bed, looking up at the tiled ceiling.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"You know Jin." She sighed. "Levi. He's mister unpredictable. I'm not sure whether he's messing with me or like totally flirting with me." She groaned turning away from the mirror hopping on the small counter. She leaned against the mirror and shut her eyes.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Well, you wanna know what i think?" He sat up and leaned forward with a smile. "I think he likes you. But, he doesn't realize it. So he thinks he's just messing with you. Because i can tell, he loves it when you're flustered. I gotta admit Laura, it's kinds cute. But anyway, he's subconsciously flirting with you."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She let out a breath of relief and agony. It honestly sounded like she was choking, but she didn't care. "Oh thank the heavens." She cried pushing herself off the counter heading to the bed again. She flopped onto it face-first and squealed away from the phone. She held it back to her ear. "So, what's up with you?" She asked coolly.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She turned pink. "I swear on your life if he finds out because of you, Levi won't be the one to murder you. But I mean… He's kinda cute…and sweet…and who am I kidding? He's like so hot and I can't believe I didn't just faint when he scooped me up earlier. I just- AH!" She felt her heart beating faster, and her stomach churning in a good way.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Yeah he is pretty hot" he shrugged. "Though you're lucky. He's surprisingly nice to you. I mean, do you know how many people come here just to curse him out because he was rude? A ton. Either that or girls always are confessing Their undying love for him. He's not dense by any means, but he definitely doesn't know how to treat anyone right. Well….he chooses not to anyway. Anyway, you're lucky. He's into you man"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She took a breath. "Please hold on a minute." She said setting the phone aside and put him on hold. She let out a sharp squeal and took a deep breath. She picked up the phone and answered it again. "Thank you for holding it has been deeply appreciated."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Yeah no problem? Oh hey, don't make any really fast moves though. He likes to keep it slow. I mean, he's never liked anyone before other than his nurse in that mental ward. Oh, speaking of which, i heard a few things from one of the teachers here. Though I'll tell you later because it's some pretty serious stuff about Levi. Not now though." He turned his voice to a whisper. "He's in the shower right now, so he could hear me. But um, maybe tomorrow we can talk? Library?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She sat up. "Could we meet there- and can I bring my camera?" She asked excited. "I think it'd be cool to get some night shots." She nodded to herself holding the phone with her shoulder. She shuffled over to her desk where her camera stuff lay.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"If you're cool with it!" She smiled assembling her camera. "I just need to get out of my 'dinner' clothes and makeup off." She noted the realizing that sounded a bit odd. "And I mean- oh never mind I sure hope you know what I mean." She turned pink some.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

After about 40 more minutes Levi finally came out of the shower. Shirtless with just sweatpants ok and a towel hung over his broad freckly shoulders.
"Oh hey Levi. Im gonna go out for a stroll for a little bit in like, 15 minutes." He says to him as he walked out of the bathroom, steam following him and filling the room.
He shrugged and put the towel over his head and drying his hair. Since it was naturally curly it was extra frizzy l, as it was after every hot shower he took. Whenever he took cold showers his hair was straight. It was weird, but he never minded it much.
Just kidding, he despises his curly hair.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Laura had rubbed her face clean, and now her sunkissed skin was shown along with her freckles. She put a little mascara on and changed into yoga pants and a bulky sweatshirt over a cami. She grabbed her favorite (or to her, her 'lucky') number 13 baseball cap. She pulled it on over her hair that was pulled into a ponytail, held back from her face. She grabbed her things and decided to head out a bit earlier than they had planned, but she wanted to grab some coffee on the way.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Laura put a note on their door and headed back to the elevator to go get coffee. She just wanted to make sure he knew she was already grabbing coffee so they wouldn't have four things of it. She took her car to a near-by coffee shop she had seen a million times already. She walked in the door and gave the cashier and large grin. "Hello! Can I get two plain machiatos?" She asked politely. He gave her a smile back biting his lip. "Of course, that'll be 8.97 please." He said clicking things on the register.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

After a few minutes he went out in his normal t shirt and a jacket with his jeans and converse.
His snowy white hair still how it was earlier, and how it usually is.
He read the note on the door and smiled, stuffing it in his pocket he headed out to the back of the campus.