Malekai thought a moment. “Well… I’ve been on my own a while, and that can be kinda boring… so, a few years, maybe?”
Malekai thought a moment. “Well… I’ve been on my own a while, and that can be kinda boring… so, a few years, maybe?”
"Oh, wow. That's not too long. What type of music genres do you like, master?" Theodore asked. It seemed now he had a bit more questions for Malekai. He wanted to have some form of bond between him and his master. Even if the bond was over music.
Malekai thought a moment. "Well, I like country the most, but I also enjoy more fast-paced music, rock, hip hop, I'm not very picky."
"I'm not really a fan of country, master, but there are some goods songs that I do enjoy. Hip Hop and fast-paced music I enjoy, but rock. . . . not so much. Maybe that's because I'm a bit picky when it comes to music." Theodore said with a shrug.
Malekai chuckled some. “Well, at least we have one music genre in common.”
"Yeah, I suppose so, master." Theodore said as he yawned and momentarily closed his eyes.
Malekai yawned in response, causing his fangs to unfold a moment.
Theodore knew that at any moment he could fall asleep, seeing that he hadn't gotten much sleep in the past three days. The cold kept him up most of the night and his search for something to use for warmth also kept him up most nights.
Malekai shook his head some as he finished yawning. “Where do you want to sleep?” He asked. He hoped Theodore wouldn’t pick to sleep with him.
The question kinda surprised at him at first, but then he shrugged. "Wherever you want me to sleep, master. I don't mind sleeping on the ground or on the couch."
Malekai nodded some. “Um, you can sleep on the couch for now.”
"Thank you, master." Theodore stands up from the ground and leaves the room. He closes the door to Malekai's room and walks to the living room. He sighs and lays down on the couch, immediately going to sleep.
Malekai laid on his own bed, sighing and laying awake for a while before finally going to sleep.
(Time Skip into the moring?)
Theodore laid on the couch awake as the birds started chirping and the sun started to go up. He had waken up a couple of hours before, since he had been used to being awake at early hours of dawn. He yawned and rubbed his eyes as the room began to get more brighter.
Malekai was still fast asleep, snoring loudly from his room. He usually slept in, having nothing better to do.
Theodore sat down and looked around. Maybe it be better if he got familiar with the house. Yeah. He stood up and went to the kitchen. "God, this kitchen is larger than I thought it would be."
(Thats what she said-)
The kitchen towered over Theodore, everything being made for someone at least 4 feet taller than him and with larger features. The counter was so tall that it would be difficult for Theodore to see over, and The fridge was more like a tall room compared to him.
He looked at the counter and grinned. Ever seen a young adult trying to climb a counter that was four feet taller than him? That's exactly how Theodore looked like. He managed to get to at least halfway up the counter when he fell down onto the ground. "Alright, climbing the counter is a no no. What about the fridge? There got to be some way I can reach the handle."
(It was meant to be a dirty joke)
The handle wasn't much farther up than him, after all, it was one of those that the handle reached almost all the way down the entirety of the fridge.
He jumped up and grabbed the handle. He used al his might to open the fridge door. When he opened the door his jaw dropped. The whole entire fridge was filled with food. Or more like Naga food. "Holy shit. . "
There was a number of different things. Rats, mice, rabbits. You name the rodent, it was in there.
Theodore suddenly felt bad for the rodents, for some weird reason, but then shook the feeling off. He closed the door to the fridge and exited the kitchen. "Stay away from the fridge from now on, Theo. Hm, where else to explore. . ." He looked around trying to find some other place to explore.
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