forum Pretending Hearts (O/O CLOSED)
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@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy didn’t think she could ever get tired of this feeling, of his lips on hers, of them moving together slowly, softly. But they couldn’t keep doing this for too long. They were still in public, after all. And the reporter probably had what they needed, anyway.

So, reluctantly, she pulled away, lips still parted slightly and eyes still closed. “Okay… Sorry, but… in public…” she whispered, blinking her eyes open slowly.

Deleted user

Arvil took a few seconds to open his eyes, but he finally did to look at her beautiful features. He let go of her face, smiled softly and held her hand again. “We should do it when we’re alone,” he winked at her teasingly, trying to lighten the thick mood. “If you’re worried about the audience.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

The color on Daisy’s cheeks deepened. “Arvil…” she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before opening then again so they could walk. “We’ll see.”

Deleted user

“C’mon,” Arvil tugged her into his side. “Let’s get popcorn and drinks and other snacks that you want.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy made a soft sound of surprise when she was pulled into Arvil’s side. She blinked up at him before being her attention back to the snacks. “I want the Butterfingers and a soda. And a medium popcorn. Unless you want to share, in which case we should get a large.”

Deleted user

Arvil’s fingers played with hers gently as he hummed. “All right. Just tell me whatever you want and you’ll get it,” he smiled down at her. When they reached the counter, he ordered what they needed and set a few dollars on it.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“So the seats that you got were top row, but which side? Left, right, or middle?” Daisy asked as they walked toward the theater the movie was in. She held her soda and candy in her hands, while Arvil had the large popcorn.

Deleted user

“Left,” Arvil responded as they began to climb up the stairs. “Seat twelve and thirteen. Section J.”

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“I don’t make it a big deal,” Arvil shrugged. “Then again, I don’t go out to watch movies very often.”

Deleted user

“Fair enough,” Arvil hummed, throwing an arm around her and leaning down until his head was on hers. “Now shh…”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink. Unconsciously, she leaned over into him, though her head wasn’t quite on his shoulder. The movie started, and she couldn’t help but sing along with the songs.

Deleted user

Arvil smiled when he heard her soft voice fill his ears. She was certainly adorable, wasn’t she? His hold on her tightened a little, and in that moment, he wanted to push his hand into her hair.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

So she was a Disney fan, so what? She’d grown up with the movies. They were her whole childhood. She didn’t sing loudly, just enough that she could hear herself.

Deleted user

“You are so adorable,” Arvil whispered with a chuckle. “I swear.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy closed her mouth, cheeks blooming in pink. “Yeah, yeah…” she muttered, somewhat embarrassed about it. Of course she knew he would hear her, but she didn’t know he would say something about it…

Deleted user

“Hey, don’t stop,” he chuckled, nuzzling the side of her head. “Like I said, it’s adorable.”

Thankfully the music of the movie was muting most of their voices. Arvil really didn’t want to get kicked out of the cinema. Now that would have been annoying.

Deleted user

“Really,” Arvil squeezed her shoulder. “C’mon. For your amazing fiancé.”

Deleted user

Arvil shot her a wink, fighting the urge to kiss the top her head. His lips burned, but he managed. Arvil applauded his self-control. “Hey, that makes us a perfect couple, then,” he joked. “Not that I’m a terrible singer. I’m one heck of a talented one.”

Deleted user

Arvil gasped, raising his free hand to his mouth. “I do not recall ever saying that,” he said dramatically, though it was a whisper. “How dare you make up words, Riley?”