@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
Connie ignore him, she didn’t want to talk with him unless she had to. And she wasn’t having to. So she went quiet. ’If I had left him alone I wouldn’t be here right now.’ She thought to herself.
Connie ignore him, she didn’t want to talk with him unless she had to. And she wasn’t having to. So she went quiet. ’If I had left him alone I wouldn’t be here right now.’ She thought to herself.
If she hadn't chased me we wouldn't be in this mess. thought Skye angrily, fuming silently.
She groaned quietly, before looking to him. ’If he hadn’t ran maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess.’
Skye looked away, slowly calming down, still upset that he'd been caught, all because of some stupid girl that wanted to warn him of the consequences. As if he didn't already know what they were, as if he didn't know the risks.. really? He'd been doing shit like this since he was a kid, forced to to stay alive.
Connie felt a rough shove, and stumbled forward. She couldn't do or say anything about it, so she just kept quiet. The officer rattled off their rights, but Connie ignored them. She was only worried about her one single right. The right to remain silent. Maybe get a lawyer, but she didn't have that kind of money. So she got into the back of the car, pulling the other kid along with her.
Skye growled as he was shoved forwards, knowing his chances of getting a lawyer were basically zilch as the other girl dragged him into the back of the cop car.
“What’s your name?” She asked in a muttered voice to the other attached to her wrist. She was going to jail with him, might as well know each other’s names.
"Skye…" growled Skye softly, "Yours?"
Connie took in a deep breath, blowing her hair out of her face. She glanced at him, before nodding slowly. "Connie. But I have many aliases." She joked, using her free hand- her left hand, to run a hand through her hair. "You got lucky by the way. Unless you're left handed."
"I am… actually…" muttered Skye irritably, not happy with this.
"Well- this is great." She groaned, rubbing her face in annoyance. "So neither of us have our dominant hand…"
Skye simply huffed in response, trying to think of a way out.
Connie mentally cursed herself, she was usually a bit smarter than that. She always thought about little things like that, so she'd have the advantage. But it seemed to have slipped her mind.
Skye, on the other hand, was mentally cursing his luck. He wished this had never happened as he turned his head to look out the window.
(Time skip to the station?)
(Well, I am going to be super busy today, so it may take a little while for me to get something up.)
(That's fine, dont worry about it! I am actually supposed to be doing shit rn, (Emphasis on supposed to) so I'm not gonna write a reply on the basis of one less distraction….. I might come track it down and rite one later if you don't.)
(Alright that’s fine!)
(Alright back! )
Connie pushed Skye out of the car, sliding along the seat. “Come on, move.” She growled at him.
Skye growled back, "Leave me alone." he spat sulkily, still trying to get his head around the fact that he might die soon.
"We have to get out of the car you dweeb." She muttered sharply at him. She wasn't in the mood for this right now.
Skye growled again, "I know doofus" he said, getting out and tugging her with him roughly.
"Ow!" She groaned as her head hit the roof of the car. She glared at him and held her head once she had gotten out.
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