Skye shook his head in disbelief, jumping to another rooftop. "And what reason do I have to fucking believe you?!" he called, "And further more, if you're not trying to arrest me then why the fuck are you chasing me?!?"
“Trying to figure what the hell you’re doing!” She yelled landing her feet on one of the rooftops and bolting along. She stumbled some, but caught herself not stopping her pace. “But I don’t think you want to be screaming it across building tops! Then you’ll get us both arrested!”
"Why the fuck do you care what I'm doing?!?" he yelled back, ignoring the last part.
“Because I don’t think it’s a good idea!” She yelled back, she honestly had no reasons to be following him, but something was telling her just to do it.
Skye scoffed, "If it's not a good idea then why are you doing it??" he asked, stopping and skidding back on his heels, panting as his violet eyes locked on the girl.
“I mean,” She started trying to slow down and not run into him. Once successful, she took in a deep breath. “Stealing from the store, the government isn’t a big fan of that now a days, I would think you’d know that.”
Skye growled softly, "Of course I know that idiot." he spat, "I wouldn't be doing it if I had another choice. But I don't! So here I am, and if anything, if I'm caught, then at least things might go better for me for a few years."
“Yeah sure, they’ve been talking about more severe punishments lately. Such as going back to hanging people.” She growled.
Skye rolled his eyes, "Better than freezing or starving in my opinion." he said flatly.
“Is that so? Fine, be that way, when they catch you and you wish you weren’t, don’t say a word about it.” Connie hissed at him turning around to walk away, but was stopped with a gun held to her chest. “Don’t move.”
Skye's eyes widened when he saw the officer, moving to run, but was stopped by a second one.
“You two are under arrest.” The first officer said with a smug grin. “Look at that, we’ve finally caught our profane street artist.” He laughed deeply glancing at the other officer.
Skye growled angrily, struggling to get away from the officer. "This is your fault!" he yelled at the girl.
“How is it my fault?” She asked in a low voice. She had gotten caught before, but she had also managed to get away. “Go ahead, cuff them.” The one told the other.
"You're the one that chased me!" growled Skye, struggling against the officers as they cuffed him.
“You ran away!” She defended herself. She watched in horror as they cuffed them together.
Skye tried to pull away as they were cuffed together, his stolen backpack forcibly taken from him, "Oh hell no!" he growled, glaring at her.
(This is gonna be very very interesting…)
“Can’t we have separate cuffs?” She asked the officer, in a begging tone to be honest. The officer only laughed, and rolled his eyes. “Sure thing, once you stop running away. This is the only way to keep you here.”
"Fuck you!" yelled Skye, fully against this as he glared at the guards.
Connie kicked his shin, not wanting to get hung because he decided to cuss out the cops. “You can do that later, for now shut up.” She said through her teeth.
Skye yelped, growling at her wolfishly, eyes flashing dangerously.
“Oh relax, it didn’t hurt that bad.” She muttered with a smirk.
Skye growled at her, still angry.