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Deleted user

Jilly gently set the cloth in the dark water once she finished. It floated then sunk slowly. Still, that dirty feeling persisted.
“No. I’m okay. Thank you.”

Deleted user

Jilly looked at Autumn. “I-I’m not hungry. Thank you anyway.”

Deleted user

Jilly nodded and hugged herself. She was getting cold. “I’m sure.”

Deleted user

Jilly looked down at the water. “N-no thanks. I feel okay.”

Deleted user

Jilly nodded and continued to have her head dipped slightly. A soft knock came from the door.

Deleted user

Jilly hid in the shower curtains as Autumn opened the door. Alex smiled at his girlfriend and handed her some old, but soft clothing.
“Here you go. These should work.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Autumn smiled as she took them before leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, babe. Now, let’s let the girl get dressed in peace,” she chuckled, starting to close the door on him.

Deleted user

Alex put his hands on the door. “Aren’t you coming with me? You said “let’s” which is plural,” He proved like a smartie-pants seventh grader.

Deleted user

“O-oh. Okay! I love you!” Alex cried as the door was shut.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“Love you, too,” Autumn laughed before fully closing the door and turning to Jillian. She set the armful of clothes on the floor and smiled at her softly. “Do you need my help with anything else? Or should I go so you can get dressed?”

Deleted user

Jillian peered out at her from the shower curtains and shook her head.
“N-no. I don’t need more help.”

Deleted user

Jilly reached out for her towel and pulled it over. “Okay. Thank you,” She said politely.

Deleted user

Jilly stepped out of the tub slowly, picking up the towel and drying off. She put on her clothes and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt rather comfy.

Deleted user

Alex was just standing there too, then, though he said he’d wait there for her… blankly staring into space…