"It's fine. I'm okay. You?" He replied, looking over at her. Students on their way out streamed around them.
"It's fine. I'm okay. You?" He replied, looking over at her. Students on their way out streamed around them.
"Oh, I'm… great! Did you find your way to the chemistry classroom okay?" She smiled, proud of herself for managing to think of a good conversation starter.
Jared nodded with a small smile. "I did, yes. Thank you for helping me out with that." He said, adjusting his backpack.
She smiled back. "You're welcome, I'm glad I could help!… So are you doing anything interesting now that school is out?" Tangerine switched her backpack to the other shoulder since it was getting tired.
He shrugged. "No, not really." He replied. "You?"
"Hmm… I was going to hang out with my so-called "friends" but I decided not to, so nothing much I guess." At that point, most people had left the building and only a few people were still there.
Jared nodded. "Alright." He shrugged slightly. "To be honest…" He sighed. "I'm not actually sure if I want to go home now."
Tangerine thought for a moment. She hesitantly started to speak then she stopped. Once she got the courage again, she spoke. "We could… maybe go to the uh… the library…" She let out a small breath awaiting an answer.
Jared hesitated for a moment. "Okay." He said with a small smile. "Let me call my, er, parents first." He fished his phone from his pocket, and called his dad. "Hey, dad?" A pause. "No, nothing's wrong, I'm fine. I'm going to the library." Another pause. "Uhm…a girl. Her name's Tangerine." Another pause, and he blushed slightly. "Er, no I-I don't think it's a date? Uhm…" He covered the phone with a hand, looking at Tana. "Is this a date?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
(Also IDC either way whether she says it's a date or not XD i just figured it would be interesting)
Tangerine's face was bright red and her eyes were slightly wider than normal. "I uh… n-no…?" She looked down as her hands were fidgeting slightly with the hem of her shirt.
Jared nodded. "Okay." He said, going back to the phone. "It's not a date." Another pause. "Alright. Bye." He hung up. "Sorry about that." He said with a small smile.
She attempted a smile back, she somewhat did but she was still looking down, as her face was still very red. "O-oh it's uh… it's okay…"
(oohhh shoot im so sorry that was for a different RP. Can I redo that one?)
(Oh yeah go ahead, it's totally okay :)
(alright thanks)
Jared smiled slightly. "Alright, good." He straightened. "Ready?"
Tangerine finally looked up after she cooled down a bit. "Yeah, let's go!" She said with a smile as she put both her backpack straps on both her shoulders.
Jared smiled. "You'll have to show me the way, i…"
"Oh yes, of course." She smiled gesturing for him to follow her as she started walking.
He followed her, glancing over at her. "I'm sorry about your friends, by the way." He said softly.
She smiled and looked over to Jared. "Thanks, but it's okay… I'm used to it." Tangerine's smile faded a little.
He nodded. "Oh." He sighed softly. "My friends did the same thing to me when I came back. It sucks. Even though they were never really good friends anyway."
"Well, we have each other now…and Crystal." Tangerine sighed slightly while she turned a corner.
"Well, we have each other now…and Crystal." Tangerine sighed slightly while she turned a corner.
Crystal hopped in her car, going nowhere really. She didn't have much to like she had planned. But it was fine.
Jared nodded, with a small smile. "Yeah. Crystal's a little violent, but…not that bad." He shrugged slightly.
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