He rearranged the flowers a bit more, changing the positioning of them until he was satisfied. "There! All done." He carefully moved the eicture to show jay
He rearranged the flowers a bit more, changing the positioning of them until he was satisfied. "There! All done." He carefully moved the eicture to show jay
He smiled when he saw the picture. "It's gorgeous. I wish I could draw."
"I can teach you some tricks if you want." Raz said, handing him a pencil from his backpack while trying to hide his blush from the compliment
"Could you?" He took the pencil, blushing bright pink.
He nodded and took a picture of his drawing with the flowers before gently sliding the dried petals off into a bar that was in his backpack. He ripped out a fresh page for Jay and flipped to a new one for himself. He showed Jay how to start off with a head, drawing a circle and the extending it so it looked more anatomically correct
Jay followed carefully, taking mental note of what he was doing as he copied. His eyes lit up in concentration, the golden color being amplified.
Raz glanced over at Jay to see how he was doing. " Looks good! Now we can continue with the neck and shoulders." He showed him how to roughly outline the collar bone and neck lines as well as a rough generalization of where hair would go and faciela features
He nodded along, still following though the person he was drawing wasn't just anyone random, it was Raz.
Raz hadn't noticed that Jay was drawing him until it came to drawing inethe facial features and hair. He glanced over and blushed "i-is th-that me?" He squeaked
He smiled, blushing pink. "What can I say? Artists draw what they find beautiful, don't they?"
If possible, Raz blushed a deeper red "i-im- not…uhm…" He bit his lip hard and glanced away. He pulled out a few colored pencils and started coloring the eyes of his drawing. He hadn't realized how similar they were to Jays until he glanced back up and compared the picture "I guess we do,"
He blushed pink when he noticed. "My eyes are impossible to draw. The color doesn't know what the hell it is."
"thas's the beautiful part." He smiled and added a light red to the center. "I chose the gold, the ones they are right now."
He was mesmerized by the other's drawing. He found beauty in the smallest things, including the way the other gripped his pencil as he pulled it across the page.
Raz fell into a rythm of drawing his eyes hypnotically trained int he page. He pulled out a few more colors, only coloring in the eyes, leaving the rest to be inked in black
He just watched as he did, though his eyes started to drift to the other's lips once again. He was so cute when he was focused, he couldn't help but to think about it.
He glanced up at Jay when he noticed staring "my eyes up here," he tapped the side of his head "not here," he tapped his lips and grinned
His voice snapped Jay out of his trance and he blushed, his eyes dropping to the floor. "S-Sorry…"
He laughed softly and shook his head "it's okay," he flicked his gaze up once more to Jays and added a few more details to the drawing.
He took his eyes off the floor, trying to focus them on the other's but they kept flicking back to his lips every once in a while. He really wanted to kiss him but he wasn't sure how he'd react even though he'd done it before.
Raz sighed softly and tilted his head up. He gently slipped his hand beneath Jay's chin and tilted his head down and towards the light, watching as the light caught his eyes. He leaned in closer to get a better look, entranced by the glittering in his eyes. He flicked his eyes to his lips then back up to his eyes
He smiled a little, staring at his from over the edge of his glasses. "Who's staring now?" He teased with a chuckle.
"I have an excuse, sI'm tudying my model." He murmered, only a few inches away from Jay's lips
"Not for long, you're not." He couldn't help himself, he pushed himself forward and finally connected their lips.
He squeaking in surprise and instinctively wrapped his arms around Jay's neck, pulling him closer. He moaned softly and shut his eyes, tilting his head slightly
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