Raz smiled softly, relieved that he hadn't left. "Find anything you like?" He asked, pulling out a book and scanning the synopsis on the back
Raz smiled softly, relieved that he hadn't left. "Find anything you like?" He asked, pulling out a book and scanning the synopsis on the back
"Not really but then again, I've read most of the books in this place." He chuckled, rubbing the mark on his neck. It was still burning, a constant reminder of who he was and what he was supposed to be doing.
Raz glanced up and tilted his head "you okay?" he asked, taking a cautious step forward and glancing worriedly at Jay's hand behind his neck
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" A drop of fear shot down his back. If he found out, Raz would never want to be near him again.
He shook his head slightly and backed away a step, "No reason, so any books you can recommend?" he asked sheepishly, looking away, knowing that he was staring at Jay for an oddly long time
He realized what had caused the other to question and dropped his hand, shifting awkwardly on his feet. "Um, w-well that depends on what type of books you're looking for."
He shrugged "Any, just not sci-fi or historical fiction. Anything else should be good." He wandered back around again, putting the book back and wandering through the shelves
"Well, one of my personal favorites is Fangirl even though people judge me for it. It's just a really good story." He shrugged, slightly sheepish.
(yes! Haden't read it yet but really really want to!)
Raz tilted his head in thought "haven't say that I've read it. Sounds like a good book." He turned to the shelves and started scanning the books to see if he could find the book
He knew where it was, he had put it back on the shelf two hundred times. He plucked it off and handed it to him. "Voila."
"since when do you speak French?" Raz asked with a lughed nodding in thanks to him and reading the inside synopsis of the book, his smile growing as he found an interest in the story and the main character
"I don't, I speak bits and pieces." He laughed. "So? Any good?" He squeezed his hands in slight anxiety. People never liked the books he recommended.
Raz nodded and read a few pages on the inside, heading over to a wall and sliding down into a sitting position, never once picking his head up from where his eyes were glued to the page
He sat next to him, skimming the pages as he read. He knew what it was and how it ended but he wanted to read it again.
Only when Jay slid down next to him did ray pick is head up. he smiled and started to read aloud, just loud enough for them to hear but no oe else in the library to.
He smiled a little, relaxing against the wall as he listened to the other read.
Raz acted out each character as they were introduced into the story, making his voice a bit higher for the girls and a bit lower for the guys. he also waved his free hand in the air, acting out whatever movement they were portraying or any extra movement that seem appropriate for the passage
His smile only grew as he pressed into the other's side so he could see. He felt like a child being read a bedtime story again.
Raz blushed as the other pressed close. He continued to read, though a slight stammer was evident in his voice as he kept glancing over at Jay
He didn't notice the stammer. He was too focused on the story although his eyes kept shifting from the page to his lips. He blushed red when he noticed and tried to focus on the book although it was significantly more difficult now. I might kiss him…maybe…
Raz kept reading for a few more chapters, his stammering leaving as he kept reading. As he read he found himself slightly leaning into Jay
He sighed quietly, he just had to ask. "Hey, can I ask you something?"
Jay stopped reading and lifted his eyes to Jay's "sure, what's up?"
His heart started to race, all he had to do was ask. "If I do something real quick, promise you won't freak out?"
Raz tilted his head slightly, "uhm, ok, as long as it's nothing dangerous or life threatening to either of us." he said, holding the book closed, using his finer as a page holder, intending to keep reading later on
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