forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"It's nothing bad, I promise. Just…okay I'm just gonna do it and we'll go from there." He tugged the other forward and quickly kissed him. It was only brief however. "I-I'm sorry that was weird, I-I'm sure you t-think I'm crazy…" He stammered and stuttered his whole way through his apology, face flushed red. He hadn't disliked it though, he had actually rather enjoyed it for as short as it was.


raz's eyes widened as jay pulled him in. one part of his brain told Too soon! too soon! you just broke up with your ex a few months ago! while the other part whined why the kiss was so short. He managed to snap out of the small trance "no! uhm i mean a little but no you're not crazy, it's okay- uhm….that was nice…" he squeaked, turning away to hide his blush from jay, hiding his face in the book he had opened. "w-why'd you do that if i may ask?" he said softly


"I-It's just…" He took a deep breath. "You're so kind and genuine and I haven't met anyone like that in so long, much less someone that I thought might actually be into me, I-I just had to try…" He refused to make eye contact, staring down at the floor. "I only wish it had been longer." He muttered under his breath.


Raz blushed even harder at jay's compliment and took a few deep breaths. "I-I'm glad you did try…" he peeked up at Jay for brief moment, thinking's that he heard something added on. "I am..uhm, attracted? interested? i don't know how to make that sound less creepy but yeah, I'm..into? you too…" he squeaked, his voice getting higher as he admitted to liking him.


He finally glanced up at him, a little surprised. "R-Really? Y-You're not just saying that, r-right?" His heart was beating so loud in his ears that he barely heard him.


He shook his head "no, I'm not. I do mean it." He said softly, "I've known people to lie about that, hell I've dated one. If you're not ready to date anyone I get it and I won't push you to. I'm happy to be friends."


Raz bit his lip and nodded "I-I'm okay with it." He reasured with a nod, not being able to believe that he'd find someone so soon after the break up a few months ago


He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to get his mark to stop burning. "No, that's not it." He took a deep breath. "The reason I haven't been here for a while and I seem to be avoiding everyone is because…they all know I'm dead. Four months after I got out of therapy, my ex found me, beat me to a pulp, and left me in an alley in the freezing cold in the middle of January. I was dead from hypothermia by morning. The reason I'm here today is because I'm…a demon." He shrunk back, close to tears but the burning was fading. "I understand if you're scared and just want to leave, I won't be offended. Just please don't tell anyone on your way out…"


Raz's eyes widened as he was told that the man next to him was a demon "y-you're a demon?" He asked again, "like with horns and a tail? Or the deal making ones like on TV?" He set the book down and turned to fully face him "did I do something wrong?" He glanced up at Jay and awaited an answer


He chuckled softly. "Little bit of both, actually. The reason I'm here tonight is because my manager sent me to get my first contract. Thought that sending me to a crowded bar would make it easy." He glanced up at him. "But then I met you. And I realized that I couldn't manipulate you into something like that. You didn't do anything wrong, not at all." He smiled slightly. "I'm not a reaper, you're not about to die, I promise."


"manager? As in Satan?" Raz asked, going through what Jay had told him. "You were going to manipulate me?" He scooted back a bit more, not knowing whether to trust the other or not anymore


"What? No! No no no, he's my boss not my manager. My manager is this guy Marcus. He's a little overbearing sometimes but I deal with him." His heart fell when the other stepped back. He knew this was a mistake. Why would he ever want to trust him after knowing who he was? "Please, you have to believe me when I say that I would never hurt you like that. I know, how can you trust a demon but I'm telling the truth here." He just had to hope that the other believed him.


"How do I know you're not going to manipulate me into doing something?" he asked softly, settling down in his spot " How do I know you're not saying all this just to crew me over or something? How do I know you're not just playing me and saying all this just to hurt me?"


His face fell, fighting back tears. "I can't make you believe me and I know that but you just have to know that I'm not going to hurt you." He was telling the truth but he knew that the other wouldn't believe him.


"I don't know what to think anymore…" He whispered , hugging himself and sighing softly "except that I still feel something for you. Despite knowing you're a demon." He glanced up shyly through the curtain of hair that fell in his face "i still like you,"


"No, I don't have to but Marcus won't be happy with me. I get the easiest place to find a contract and I fall for someone instead. Yep, sounds like me alright." He chuckled.


Raz blushed and laughed softly "we can still make one up. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with him for not doing your job."


"I suppose we can. Are you sure about this? A contract isn't exactly easy to get out of if something goes wrong." Now he was a little nervous. He didn't want to be stuck in a contract with someone that hated him if their relationship went south.


"Y-yeah…I'm okay with it. Only if you are, though." He said, scooting back to his normal spot next to jay, still holding the book.


"Well…" He shifted slightly, thinking. "Just don't make promises you don't think you can keep, okay? That's how a lot of people get caught up in bad contracts."