Raz nodded and thought for a moment "okay, I think I know. Do I have to trade my soul in or something?"
Raz nodded and thought for a moment "okay, I think I know. Do I have to trade my soul in or something?"
"Yeah, pretty much. However, I should probably tell you, once you sell your soul to a demon, you're stuck with them. Forever. Like, even after you die, you'll be stuck by my side."
Raz nodded in understanding "That doesn't sound so bad…" He blushed softly "Okay." He took a breath and shut his eyes, not knowing how this really worked "I, Raziel Jacobson, sell my soul to you, Jay, in exchange for any person, even just one to stop. To stop the abuse against people. Stop treating them like trash. Like they don't matter. Like they're a toy. Just…Stop. He whispered the last word and opened his eyes "oh, Uhm, please."
He tried to take this seriously but when he said please, he nearly burst out laughing. "It will be done. However, this is a two way street." He smiled a little, his voice turning smoother, more confident. He didn't intend for it to, it was just the demon in him. "I, Jay Cornell, vow to protect and be loyal to you as a faithful friend, lover, or servant in exchange for your submission to the process and cooperation with the rules and regulations that come with it."
Raz found himself entranced with Jay's voice, loving how low and smooth it got. "everything but the last one, you are no servant to any one including me." He glanced up at Jay with a small smile "is something supposed to happen or is that it?" he asked, glancing around
"Well, you have to get your mark." This was his least favorite part about this. "Every demon has a unique one and every time they get a new contract, they have to mark them with it, kind of like being branded. Mine's on the back of my neck. Where you'll get yours is up to you."
Raz flinched at the mention of getting marked. "Does it hurt?" he asked softly, worried about the pain. He thought for a moment and pushed up his sleeve, showing his wrist. "Here," he said, pointing to the area below the main veins
"It shouldn't hurt. It might pinch a little but it won't hurt. It's like getting a shot, you'll be fine." He took the other's wrist in his hand and pressed his thumb against the spot the other shown him. His eyes glowed a bright ruby red and a couple seconds later, they faded back to green. He pulled his hand away and there on the other's wrist was his mark. It was kind of simple, a pentagram with thorns surrounding it, a couple of bright red roses nestled among the thorns. "And there we go. All done."
"I hate needles," he muttered closing his eyes as the other marked him. When Jay said all done, he opened his eyes with an exhale, catching the fading red from Jay's eyes. He glanced down at the mark and smiled softly "it's beautiful," he admired the mark, trailing a light finger along the tender skin
"I always liked it myself. It's kinda simple though. According to Marcus, it gets more intense the higher up the ladder you get." He chuckled, smiling to himself. He had his first contract! Marcus wasn't going to kill him!
Raz thought over all that had happened today. The fact that he now belonged to a demon of he'll kind of scared him, a shred of doubt still lingering in his mind. He's still a demon. what if he did all of this just to fulfill his task? He glanced up at Jay and smiled softly before returning to tracing mark
"Well, I guess now you're stuck with me. Nothing really changes other than you now have to deal with me." He was so awkward about this, it was only his first contract so he didn't have it down.
He laughed softly "you make it sound like a bad thing," Raz stood up and offered Jay his hand. "Let's see what other books we can find before it gets too dark outside."
He smiled and took his hand, pulling himself to his feet. "Yeah, let's see."
He smiled and pulled out some books that seemed interesting, He set a few back after reading the summary, ultimately choosing four books to check out and take home.
Jay knew most of the books in this place and after seeing the librarian on staff wasn't one he recognized, he pulled out 3 old favorites of his and checked them out before following the other out.
He watched the other with a smile, recognizing a few of the books he had chosen. "Now where are we going?"
"Well, we could head back to my place." He smiled a little before realizing how suggestive that sounded and blushed red. "O-Oh God I d-didn't mean it like t-that, please d-don't take it t-that way I-I mean we just m-met…"
Raz laughed, blushing a deep red "Don't worry, I wasn't thinking you meant it that way. I'd love to come over, only if you're comfortable with it though. You're right, we did just meet, and a lot of things have happened since then. I get it if you want to take the night off to think about today
"N-No! I want to spend time w-with you." He smiled shyly, his blush fading slightly. "I-I mean, it's m-my job to protect you s-so I might a-as well start now."
He smiled softly "Where were you when my ex was abusing me?" he meant it as a joke, but knew it came out as an accusation. "Sorry, I didn't mean that, I- It's not you're fault… you know what? nevermind," he shook his head as if clearing away the memory " I'd love to come over."
He frowned, slightly concerned but shook it off. "Well, come on then. I actually live pretty close by." He grabbed the other's hand and tugged him gently towards his apartment.
He nodded, following next to him with an armload of book, a small bounce in his step. "I don't know which to read first," he smiled happily, glancing around the streets they were walking through
"Decisions decisions." He chuckled as they walked to his apartment complex. There was a small garden outside and he paused to pick one of the roses. It was white and fresh, pure and beautiful. But the minute he picked it up, it started to turn gray, growing darker and darker as he walked until it turned black. Impure and unwanted. He gripped the stem so hard that the thorns jabbed into his palms and stabbed him but he didn't care. He unlocked the door to his apartment, opening it and throwing the rose away. He hadn't spoken since he had picked it up, his mood slowly going sour, his entire mindset growing sadder.
Raz watched silently as Jay discarded the wilted flower. He didn't say anything, just silently went over to where the rose had been discarded, picking out the delicate wilted petals and the intact parts of the stem. He was careful not to poke himself with the thorns as he gathered a few more stem pieces. He pulled open his backpack, having set down the books next to him.on the ground and pulled out a notebook. He flipped to a page with a drawing of a young man's face, a space separating his hair from his head. He rearranged the flower prieces so they rested in the space. "Do think you can do it again with more?" Raz asked, glancing up at Jay
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