Jasper nodded, regretting bringing it up "I'm sorry if I'm resurfacing bad memories," he said softly "I can't imagine what it was like to be in therapy with no one truly listening to what you had to say."
Jasper nodded, regretting bringing it up "I'm sorry if I'm resurfacing bad memories," he said softly "I can't imagine what it was like to be in therapy with no one truly listening to what you had to say."
"Nah, it's fine. I've become numb to the memories." He shrugged it off before glancing around. "Right, this crowd is giving me anxiety, wanna get out of here? Continue this conversation elsewhere?"
He nodded "same here, bars were never my thing anyway. where'd you have in mind?" he asked, taking one last sip of the sprite before paying and standing
"Well, there's a really nice park about a block away if you wanted to head there." He stood from his seat, sticking his hands in his pockets.
"Sure! I could use some fresh air," He stood and sighed, needing to leave the stuffy room and the smell of heavy alcohol
"Well then come on, before I really start to panic." He grabbed Jasper's hand and tugged him out of the bar, sighing in relief once he excited the building.
Jasper blushed a deep red when Jay grabbed his hand "uh-uhmm yeah lets d-do that…" He sighed softly, it means nothing, he's just anxious and wants to get out of here….nothing more..
When they finally got outside, he didn't drop his hand. His skin was warm and Jay was freezing. Plus, he was kind of enjoying having him so close. "So, to the park?"
Jasper shivered, part from the contact that remained between him and jay, even after they were outside and the other part was because of the other's skin. okay… maybe he's just anxious and needs comfort. Jasper nodded, both saying yes to going to the park and reassuring himself "yeah, let's go."
He squeezed his hand lightly. "Sorry, are my hands cold? What am I saying, they're always cold." He chuckled to himself before starting to pull him along to the park.
"It's okay, I don't mind." He put his hand in his sweatshirt pocket, hoping it would warm then up a bit. "There, now they won't be cold,"
The sudden motion pulled him closer and Jay blushed lightly, hoping Jasper wouldn't notice it. "R-Right, let's get going." He started towards the park, hoping Jasper wouldn't say anything about his stutter.
Jasper laughed softly and nodded, following Jay to the park. He told himself the reason why he was being so bold was because he was still riding the adrenaline rush of the other relationship. It had to be the only reason why, right?
Jay really had to admit it to himself, Jasper was cute. There was no way around it. He was cute and Jay was just going to have to deal with it. And sure, maybe he just missed having someone for his own but this was different and he knew that.
"he was never violent in the beginning." Jasper started, not knowing why he talking about it but needing to say something. "It was the little things that made me think but I loved him so it didn't matter…" He looked away "but when he started hitting me and…forcing me to do…things…" He shook his head and glanced down
"Hey, you don't have to explain to me. I know it can be painful to talk about." He smiled softly, pulling himself to Jasper's side. "Don't worry about it, really."
He shook his head "Problem is I want someone to know, in case it becomes too much later and i decide to…you know…end it all just to stop the pain…"he glanced away, "for what it's worth, thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for listening to mine."
Please don't kill yourself, Marcus will be super pissed if you die before I get a contract out if you. He smiled softly. "Hey, don't sweat it. Friends are supposed to trust each other, aren't they?"
He nodded "from strangers to friends, is that how this works?" He asked with a fsmall laugh "At the rate we'll be married and dead in the ground by next week," he teased, blushing a bit.
He flushed bright red, looking away from him. "T-That's not what I m-meant I mean y-you are really cute b-but still…" He froze for a second as he realized what he said and blushed even harder, if that was even possible. He buried his face in his hands, mumbling under his breath about how he was such an idiot.
Jasper laughed and blushed deeper than before "I know! I was joking," he said through giggles "thanks, you're not too bad yourself," He rubbed Jay's back, knowing that he was just as embarrassed as he was.
He peeked up at him through his hands and smiled a little. "T-Thanks." His voice was shy and quiet, still majorly embarrassed.
he smiled softly and nodded "for making you blush like a tomato? no problem," he laughed and glanced up as they neared the park
He dropped his hands and smiled but didn't say anything. This guy really made him flustered. He wasn't used to it. A small voice in his head reminded him that he was only doing this for the contract and his smile fell a little. Jasper genuinely seemed like a nice guy that Jay could really be into but here he was, a demon trying to get his first contract. He felt the skin on the back of his neck start to crawl, the feeling he always got when he felt bad about lying.
"so what do you do as a job?" Jasper asked, trying to find something to talk about other than their broken love lives
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