forum Just craving a werewolf x human thing? (Closed)
Started by @gracehustle

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(Sry it took so long for me to respond I was skiing all weekend)
Her smile grew and she led them on in silence for a few minutes before asking a question, "So, is Frankie short for anything? Or is that your full name?" It was something she sort of wanted to know, since it caught her curiosity.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(It's alright. I understand.)

He followed her, enjoying the beauty of the nature around them. ”Well, it’s actually Franklin but I prefer Frankie. I know it’s kinda kiddish but I always thought my full name sounded a little stuffy. And Frank just sounds boring.” he shrugged, a little embarrassed.


"Frankie sounds better than Franklin, in my opinion," She said, nodding and smiling to herself at the thought of teasingly calling him Frank. They were near the river now and the rush of water could be heard in front of them. It wasn't a huge river, but it had a strong current for how shallow it was. The bottom was scattered with rocks of all sizes and a few of the larger ones stuck out to form stepping stones of sort across the river.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Yeah? Heh. Thanks.” he smiled a little, unsure if he responded to the compliment correctly. He had received compliments before but never from someone who made him feel the way Selina did. Most of his last girlfriend's compliments were kinda passive-aggressive. ”Wow. This is beautiful. We have to get to the other side, right?” his smile was much more relaxed and confident now as he looked at the river.


Selina shrugged and her smile grew playful, "We don't have to, but it's the easiest path and prettiest to follow." Without another word she crouched down and rolled up the bottom of her borrowed pants legs, looking back at Frankie as she stepped into the cold water and waded to the first stone, "You can swim right?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Won’t argue with that.” Frankie smiled equally playful. ”Yeah, I’m a great swimmer. Me and my sister go swimming as often as we can. I’m kinda like her training buddy so she’ll be alright when she goes off on her own in the oceans.” he explained as he took off his boots and socks before following Selina to the first rock.


"That's good," She said with a laugh, nodding, "You'll like where we're going then." She hopped from rock to rock as best she could, her feet only slipping a few times and getting the bottom of the pants legs wet.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie raised a brow at the subtle hint about their destination but smiled as he jumped across the rocks to the bank. Unfortunately, he wasn't quite as practiced as Selina and ended up slipping on the second to last rock and fell face-first into the water. ”Oh, Holy Moley! That's cold.” he spluttered as he climbed to the final rock. He shook off some of the water and made the last jump across.


She couldn't help but burst out laughing at him falling, stepping towards him from the bank to help but seeing that he had it under control. "Are you alright?" She asked when he reached the other side with her, looking him over for any injuries with a small smile from his fall.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie blushed red with an embarrassed chuckle as she laughed at his expense. If he was honest, he probably would have laughed too. ”I’m alright. Nothing hurt but my dignity.” he tried to joke, shaking more of the water out of his hair. ”I must have looked pretty silly when I fell.”


Selina smiled and stepped in front of him, gently reaching up and wiping a few stray water droplets off of his face before stepping away, "It was pretty funny to watch you fall, but that's only because I know you can swim and probably wouldn't hurt yourself more than getting wet."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie’s blush darkened at the soft gesture. ”Y-yeah.” he cleared his throat slightly. ”I mean if I had seen that from your perspective; I would have laughed at that fail too.” he smiled a little as his clothes now clung to his body like a second skin.


"Well, should we continue on?" She asked, biting the inside of her lip as she tried to ignore her own growing blush and the fact that Frankie's shirt now stuck to him without hiding many details.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Sure. I’ll probably dry off faster if I keep moving.” he agreed as he poured some of the water out of his shoes. ”First time hiking barefoot.” Frankie chuckled, quickly tying the laces together and hanging them over his shoulder to dry.


Selina smiled and shrugged, "Hiking barefoot is pretty fun, just be careful to watch out for rocks and sticks." She crouched down and rolled down the bottom of her pants again before hopping up and starting along, "It won't take long now to get there."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie chuckled a little as he followed her. “I guess I’m about to find out. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” He smiled, carefully sweeping his walking stick in front of him almost like a blind man to help him step carefully. “I can’t wait to see it.”


"I really think you'll like it," She said, following along a rough trail a few yards away from the water. It followed it as it curved and twisted, the sound of running water making a nice background noise to their hiking.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

He continued to walk behind her, still brushing his stick in the ground in front of him to avoid stepping on sharp rocks or tripping on anything. But he was enjoying trekking barefoot. “I’m sure I will.” He smiled, listening to natural ambience.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(OMG!!! That is amazing!!)

Frankie didn't stop once he dried off to put on his shoes. Turns out he really enjoyed hiking barefoot; the soft undergrowth tickled slightly and he didn't mind the way the dirt caked the bottom of his feet. ”Wow. Selina, this is beautiful.” he said softly but sincerely with an awed smile as he took in the view she lead him to.


(lol yeah)
Her smile grew and it was clear she was proud of bringing him here, carefully picking her way down closer to the water over the now rocky area, "I thought you might like it. This is one of my favorite spots ever, I come down here whenever I get permission to travel to the edges of our territory."


"It is, the moon and stars reflect off the water and it shines," She replied, rolling up the bottom of her pants and looking out over the water with a bright smile.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”That sounds amazing. I wish I could see in the dark well enough to come here and see that.” he smiled as he pictured it. Frankie raised a brow and smirked a little as he saw Selina hike up the pants. ”Did you take me up here to go swimming with you?” he asked slightly teasing. ”Or just to enjoy the view?”