forum Just craving a werewolf x human thing? (Closed)
Started by @gracehustle

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She shrugged, taking another bite and laughing lightly, "It's alright, the peanut butter is a little much for me but it's still really good."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie tilted his head slightly before nodding at her response. ”Well, not everyone enjoys the same things. I guess that just means more for me.” he chuckled lightly teasing, popping another marshmallow into his mouth.


"You can have as many of them as you want, I'll stick to plain chocolate," She replied with a laugh as she took a marshmallow as well and tossed it in the air, catching it in her mouth with a smile.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”They’re all yours.” he told her. ”Nice catch! I always miss when I try that.” he admitted with a chuckle as he grabbed another marshmallow to show her. He tossed it into the air and tried to catch it but it bounced off his jaw.


Selina laughed again and her smile grew, "Thanks, its one trick I've gotten good at over the years." He was pretty close to catching it, and she grabbed another one, "Try tossing it a little lower and getting used to just catching it regularly from a low height first, then throw it higher."


"Maybe I'm good luck," She joked, tossing her marshmallow up in the air and aiming to catch it. It almost bounced off the corner of her mouth but she bit down on it in time and stopped it from going anywhere, chuckling. This was fun and Selina really didn't want to leave, but soon she knew she would have too.


Selina sighed and ate the marshmallow before standing up with a look of reluctance, "I suppose I have to go now Frankie." She glanced over at him and reached down to grab one more marshmallow, seeing as she didn't want to leave.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

He nodded slowly. ”I understand. It was really great seeing you again, Selina.” he smiled sincerely though there was a bit of sadness in it. ”I’ll see you around, right? I know you said you’d show me around some time but I don't want to get you in any trouble with your pack.”


"You'll definitely see me around, and I might have to stop by again for more s'mores," She said, exchanging a sincere smile with him as well, "Just keep your eye open one of these days for a big fluffy wolf prowling around, I'll find some day this week before you leave to show you around the park."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”You’re welcome to come back to have more anytime.” he chuckled. ”I definitely will watch for you. No offense, but you're kinda hard to miss.” he smiled as he remembered her beautiful and powerful wolf form.


Selina laughed and shrugged, "I never said I would be hard to spot, I just said keep an eye out for me." She popped the marshmallow into her mouth and ate it quickly before motioning that she would just be a minute as she walked off and quickly morphed into her wolf form, taking off the clothes she was wearing them and folding them up neatly first. She padded back over to Frankie with the clothes held gingerly in her mouth, setting them down and saying a final goodbye, "I'll see you soon Frankie, have a fun time exploring the park."


She nudged his side with her snout and seemed to smile again as she padded to the woods and took off, blending into the woods after a few steps in and away. Now she just had to figure out how to see him again, and how to get Alpha to let her go alone.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

He smiled at the gesture and watched her as she disappeared. He already couldn't wait to see her again. He sighed wistfully and lay back to stare at the stars, tracing familiar patterns as he waited for the fire to die before going to bed.


It had been four long and boring days until Selina got a chance to see Frankie again on some random excuse. She was supposed to go explore more of the park and see if there were any more stray werewolves roaming, and to an extent, she was going to. She was just bringing Frankie with her to see some of the sights. As soon as she had gotten the approval that morning, she headed out, walking towards Frankie's camp and waiting for the sun to come up so he might be awake.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie had been enjoying his trip… for the most part. The first day when he didn't see Selina, he had gone hiking and found the perfect walking stick. The second he had stayed and listened to the birds singing, trying to figure out which ones were out there. Of course, that same day he realized he had lost his phone, but he honestly wasn’t too worried about it. Unlike a lot of people, he had actually memorized the important numbers. Despite everything, he missed Selina and it made those four days a little lonely. Today was an early day for him, so he had plenty of time to make himself breakfast.


She reached his camp a little while before dawn and settled into a place in a bush, waiting and watching for Frankie to wake up. It wasn't supposed to be creepy, she was just waiting patiently and being polite while he got the sleep he probably needed.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie woke up just as the sun was rising, feeling much more rested than a full day of rest at home. He walked out of the cave only wearing a pair of sweatpants, letting the crisp morning air on his skin wake him up better than coffee could. His hair was a bit messier than usual from running his fingers through it instead of a brush or a comb. He smiled softly and started looking for something quick for breakfast.


Selina smiled a little when she saw Frankie finally walk out of the cave, standing up silently from her spot and walking through the bush. "Good Morning little human," She joked, "I'm finally back."