A petite girl a few years older than him with choppy black hair and piercing brown eyes looked back at him with an unreadable expression. She had several ear piercings and was wearing all black clothes. “Hey, I’m Mathilda. Hugo sent me with medicine? Says there’s a sick girl here?” she asked in a bored drawl.
Logan nodded. "Yeah. This way." He replied, gesturing. He held the door until she was inside, then led her to Allie's room.
Mathilda followed, clutching a bag filled with the medicine that Hugo had given her to take to this girl. Allie looked over when they entered. “Hi…”
“Hi. I’m Mathilda, and you must be the one who needs these,” she said, holding out the bag.
“Yeah. I’m Allie.”
Logan sat down, quiet. Hopefully this medicine would help Allie…he didn't want her to die because of this.
Mathilda handed the bag to Allie, who took it with a glance at Logan. She hoped that he was right about that Hugo guy.
“There’s some pills which help fight the bacteria,” Mathilda explained. “We believe it’s a bacterial thing, but it’s hard to tell without our previous technology. At any rate, you should be coughing less. There’s also some other stuff, and that has instructions and is mostly just in case other symptoms show up or the pills don’t work.”
Allie nodded, biting her lip. She was suddenly worried for herself, which was new. Allie was not usually a worrier.
Logan cleared his throat. "Is there anything to do to help make sure she gets better?" He asked slowly. "Food or something?"
“I mean, eating actual meals helps, but it’s hard to find enough food to do that,” Mathilda added, thinking. “Avoiding dairy…though you probably should anyway, since many places don’t have power…”
Logan nodded. "Alright. Anything else?" He asked, looking at Mathilda curiously. He wanted to help Allie get better as soon as possible.
She shrugged helplessly. “It’s a pretty strange illness,” Mathilda admitted. She leaned in closer to whisper, “And the patients don’t always make it out alive…”
Logan closed his eyes for a moment. "I know." He replied quietly. "But I'm going to do my best to make sure she does." His voice was firm.
Mathilda nodded. “I understand. I’ll let you know if I think of anything that could help.”
Logan nodded. "Alright. Thank you." He replied, giving a small, tight smile.
“Okay, well I’ve got other things to attend to, so I’ll see you two later,” Mathilda added, turning to leave.
“See ya,” Allie echoed, a bit glad she was leaving, truth be told.
"Bye!" Logan called, looking at Allie once the other girl was gone. "How do you feel?" He asked softly.
“Honestly? Not so great,” Allie admitted, giving him a sheepish smile. “My head is pounding.”
Logan sighed softly. "I see. Have you taken any of the meds yet?" He asked, looking at her carefully.
“No. That girl just brought them,” Allie replied, managing to sound halfway-normal. “I guess I should though.”
Logan nodded. "Alright." He replied. "Do so." He gave a small smile, shrugging and raking a hand through his hair.
Allie popped a pill into her mouth and swallowed it, glad she had learned to swallow them without water a while ago. “I hope this works.”
Logan nodded. "Me too." He replied softly, looking over at her with soft, gentle eyes.
Allie sighed, closing her eyes. Her head still hurt, but maybe it had to take a minute for the medicine to kick in. “Do you know anything else that would help?”
Logan shook his head. "Not really…just…I don't know." He replied slowly, raking a hand through his hair.
Allie made a hmm noise in her throat, before the headache finally started to fade away. “I think it’s working,” she pointed out, a bit shocked. She honestly hadn’t expected it to work.
Logan smiled. "Oh. Good." He replied, resisting the urge to take her hand or kiss her cheek.
“So, want to go back to playing Candyland or whatever? I honestly got kind of bored of it,” she said. Which is totally code for: I couldn’t concentrate because I was thinking about kissing you again, her mind whispered. Thank god aliens couldn’t read minds. Or could they? She mentally screamed after that just in case, so that he’d give himself away by wincing or something.