He snuggled up with Aki, nodding a little. "Maybe." He replied quietly, kissing Aki softly.
He snuggled up with Aki, nodding a little. "Maybe." He replied quietly, kissing Aki softly.
Aki kissed him back slowly, his hand wandering to lace through Lucien's hair. He wanted to help, but he didn't know how.
Lucien leaned into Aki's hand slightly, closing his eyes and still kissing him.
Aki purred softly and moved closer, shutting his eyes and just letting himself melt into Lucien. He just wanted to stay here, but he knew that both of them had to face reality soon.
Lucien pressed close to Aki, eyes closed as he kept kissing him softly.
Reality could wait. Aki nuzzles into him, kissing back slowly. His arms wrap around Lucien. "You're so handsome." He murmured against the others lips. Aki's fingers trace along Lucien's back.
He hummed faintly. "Mm. Love you." He mumbled, kissing Aki again.
Aki giggles quietly and nods, "I love you too." He leaned into the kiss, gently cupping Lucien's cheek.
He smiled happily at Aki, kissing him again.
Aki chuckles quietly and kissed his cheek before kissing his lips again. This was just so nice… it felt like- at least for the moment- that it was just them. Together.
He hummed for just a moment, snuggled close with Aki. "Love you." He murmured.
Aki nods slowly and smiles softly to himself. "I love you too. More than you could ever know." He murmured softly. He played with Lucien's hair, a serene smile on his lips.
He smiled happily, closing his eyes and letting out a soft breath and kissing Aki again.
Aki giggled quietly and kisses him back gently. He gave a happy little sigh at the attention.
He loved being able to just lay with Aki like this, cuddling and kissing and having fun.
Aki loved the moments like this. He smiled up at his prince, utter adoration in his eyes. "I love you… So much…" He murmured dreamily.
He hummed quietly. "Mm. I love you too."
Aki smiled at that and slowly shut his eyes, nuzzling into Lucien.
He held Aki close, smiling softly.
He hummed and slowly began to doze off, nuzzling closer to the other.
He kissed Aki's cheek again, letting out a sleepy hum.
"Mmm… A nap sounds nice…" He murmured sleepily.
He hummed again. "It does." He agreed softly.
He smiled. "Sleep well my prince." He hummed as he shut his eyes and kissed Lucien's lips before curling into his arms.
He smiled a little, pulling the blankets over them and letting out a sleepy sigh.
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