forum It's not in the Cards (O/O)
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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Aki purred softly and moved closer, shutting his eyes and just letting himself melt into Lucien. He just wanted to stay here, but he knew that both of them had to face reality soon.


Reality could wait. Aki nuzzles into him, kissing back slowly. His arms wrap around Lucien. "You're so handsome." He murmured against the others lips. Aki's fingers trace along Lucien's back.


Aki chuckles quietly and kissed his cheek before kissing his lips again. This was just so nice… it felt like- at least for the moment- that it was just them. Together.


Aki nods slowly and smiles softly to himself. "I love you too. More than you could ever know." He murmured softly. He played with Lucien's hair, a serene smile on his lips.