"So what do you think of Enrique?" He asked slowly, looking over at Aki with a smile.
"So what do you think of Enrique?" He asked slowly, looking over at Aki with a smile.
"I think he's interesting." He chuckles quietly. "And very nice. I understand why you like him so much." He gently squeezed Lucien's hands.
Lucien nodded a little. "I've got a lot of cousins on my mom's side, but Enrique is the one I'm closest to."
Aki smiled warmly, pushing open the door to Lucien's room. He hummed as he walked over to the bed and flopped down onto it. "Gods I'm tired."
Lucien sat down on the bed beside him, smiling as he looked down at Aki. "I love you."
Aki looks up from where he had fallen on the bed and smiles, "I love you too, my prince." He chuckles and gently takes Lucien's hand, kissing the back of it.
He hummed happily, smiling down at Aki.
Aki gently pulled Lucien to be beside him, kissing his cheek gently.
Lucien smiled happily at him, returning the kiss lovingly.
He pulled Lucien close and nuzzled into his shoulder. "I love you." He murmured, kissing his cheek gently.
He smiled again. "I love you too." He wrapped his arms around Aki.
Aki smiled sweetly and nuzzled close before sighing deeply. This was heaven at the moment. He didn't want anything else right now.
He smiled a little, holding Aki close and closing his eyes.
"Is there anything you'd like to do?" Aki asks quietly, running his hands through Lucien's hair.
He shrugged a little bit. "I don't know."
"Do you wanna take a bath? Relax from today and get ready for tonight?" He asks softly, playing with one of Lucien's braids.
He shrugged a little. "Sure, that sounds nice."
He nods and smiles before hopping off the bed and wandering into the bathroom. He sets a bath up and peeps his head out. "Care to join me?"
(gtg soon I think, sorry)
He laughed a little, following Aki into the bathroom. "Sure."
(It's okay. Thank you for your message by the way.)
Aki bounces up and down happily before shedding his clothes and getting into the warm and bubbly water.
(back for a little. You're welcome. And I do mean it, I'm here if you need someone to chat with)
Lucien started to strip out of his clothes, and climbed into the tub with Aki.
Aki instantly moved to his side and leaned against his shoulder. "I love you…" He murmured quietly.
"Love you too." He said softly.
He smiled up at Lucien before smiling. "Want me to wash you?" He asks quietly, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
He smiled a little, reaching up to take out the braids. "Sure."
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