Enrique nodded a little. "I learned it out of necessity." He replied. "It's…well. Ari and I learned it at the same time."
Ari smiled again. Sign Language is not common to learn. Or easy.
Lucien was quiet, smiling softly.
Enrique nodded a little. "I learned it out of necessity." He replied. "It's…well. Ari and I learned it at the same time."
Ari smiled again. Sign Language is not common to learn. Or easy.
Lucien was quiet, smiling softly.
Aki shook his head, and smiles. It is pretty hard. But I enjoy a challenge every once and a while. He smiles warmly. He was just as pleased that he could practice his sign language. He wasn't sure if he should lean into Lucien, but he was craving a little contact with the other.
Lucien wrapped an arm around Aki's shoulders gently. "So…how did you two meet, again?" he asked Ari and Enrique.
Enrique sighed faintly. "I…well. They were adrift in a lifeboat and my ship found them. They were…half-dead." he glanced at Ari, who gave a tight smile, looking down at their hands for a moment.
Aki smiled when Lucien wrapped his arms around Aki, it made him feel a little more safe with PDA, since he wasn't sure if Lucien had mentioned if they were a thing… were they a thing? Of course they were. Or was he still considered a concubine for the prince? He shoved those thoughts away and listened curiously, his ears flickering a little in curiosity. He leaned into Lucien, keeping his eyes on Ari.
Enrique's eyebrows pulled together faintly. "I…don't know…how much of the rest I should say." He said slowly.
Aki hummed with thought. "If it's alright for me to say, but shouldn't Ari be the one to determine that?" He asks gently, his eyes soft.
Enrique nodded a little. "Yes, of course. That's why I was saying I didn't know how much else to say." He replied, looking at Ari.
Ari started signing, Enrique translating aloud so that Lucien would understand what was being said. I was a pirate, for a long time. My captain was…not a good man. They paused, unsure.
(Hhh uh before I go on, do you have any triggers? Because Ari's backstory is dark)
(Uh. Rape, self harm, suicide, and a few others which just mentioning make me freak out. But it's fine. I'll be fine, promise.)
Aki nods slowly before turning his attention to Ari, his eyes softening and his ears flattening a little bit. He slowly walked to Ari's side, settling between Lucien and Ari, using some of his magic to ease the other, It's okay. You don't have to say what you are not comfortable with… He signs before placing a gentle hand on the others shoulder.
(okay. I should have asked earlier, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna outright say what happened then, but I'm gonna hint? Idk. If it's too triggering please tell me and I can change it)
Ari nodded a little. He…groomed me. Did things he should not have. When I said no, he did this. They opened their mouth to show where their tongue had been cut out of their mouth, then closed their mouth again. When I fought back, I was set adrift in a lifeboat to die. Enrique found me drifting.
He nods slowly, his eyes flattening. He hated people like that. He didn't know what to do or say, so he simply placed a hand on the others shoulder. He was glad that Enrique found them.
They swallowed faintly, looking over at Aki, and then at Lucien.
Lucien looked pained. "I'm sorry." He said softly.
He smiles gently at Ari. You are strong. I am glad that Enrique found you. You did not deserve to go through what you did. May I… His hands pause, may I hug you?
Ari smiled a little. Thank you. And…yes, you may. They replied.
Aki smiles warmly, gently hugging the other. He really liked Ari. He slowly pulls away, his hands gently squeezing the others shoulders.
(gtg sorry)
Ari swallowed faintly, looking at Aki with a tiny smile.
Aki smiled as well before returning to Lucien's side quietly. He held Lucien's hand, squeezing it gently.
Lucien looked over at Ari, taking a deep breath, then over at Enrique.
Aki was quiet, breathing deeply. He felt a pull at the back of his mind. He breathed slowly and opened his eyes. If you need anything, please let me know.
Ari blinked a little, then nodded. Alright. Thank you, Aki. They spelled out his name, not knowing if he had a specific sign that he used for his name.
He smiles warmly at the sight, nodding slowly. He leaned against Lucien, his eye shutting for a brief moment. he gently holds Lucien's hand, giving a relieved little sigh.
Lucien rubbed his thumb over Aki's knuckles. "Shall I show you two to your room?"
Enrique shrugged. "Sure."
Aki moved closer to Lucien, his eyes softening. He stands slowly. "Well then, shall we get going?" He smiles softly, offering his hand to Lucien.
Lucien kissed Aki's cheek, standing. "Let's go." He agreed, moving out of the room.
He smiles at the kiss to his cheek and takes his arm. He follows quietly, humming to himself as they walked.
Lucien smiled as they led Enrique and Ari along.
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