Lucien smiled happily at Aki again, and kissed the other male's cheek softly. "How are you feeling?" He asked softly.
Lucien smiled happily at Aki again, and kissed the other male's cheek softly. "How are you feeling?" He asked softly.
Aki glances up at the other, blinking a little bit before smiling warmly. "I feel better. Stronger." He hummed softly, leaning into Lucien's side. He was glad that the whole thing with the king was over with.
"Good." he replied, kissing Aki's cheek again and holding onto the magician. "I love you." he added in a quiet voice, nuzzling a little bit.
Ali smiled, leaning into the kiss and kissing Lucien's hand smiling sweetly. "I love you too, my prince." He mutters softly, his gazed filled with nothing but adoration and love.
Lucien smiled a little bit, holding him close. "Good." he replied, closing his eyes as he held Aki as close as he could.
Aki smiled before leaning into the other. "We should probably go get some breakfast. I have no doubt that Rene might be hungry." He smiled over at the young prince.
Lucien blinked. "Oh. Yeah. I forgot about that." he said with a laugh, looking over at René. "Come on, let's get breakfast, then." René grinned. "Thanks!"
Aki seemed relaxed and happy as he walked beside the other. His stomach growled quietly, and he chuckled into his hands, "I think all of us could use some food."
Lucien smiled. "I think so too." he replied, looking over at Aki and then starting to walk.
He walks beside at the other and kissed his cheek. He just wanted them to be happy, and here they were. Happy and they had each other. Rene was back. There was nothing to worry about anymore.
Lucien let out a faint breath as they walked, sticking near Aki and René. He had them both now.
They made it to the dining hall and he gave a relieved sigh. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." He laughs quietly.
Lucien laughed at that. "Well, we don't serve horse meat here, but we do serve plenty of other food."
He snickers quietly before kissing his cheek. "Well. I'm glad we have plenty of food." He moves closer to Lucien's side.
Lucien nodded. "Mhm." He replied, smiling as he kissed Aki's cheek.
He giggles quietly at the kiss to his cheek, humming happily to himself. "What are you hungry for, Rene?" He asks curiously, glancing at the smaller prince.
René blinked. "Oh! I want…uhm…" He trailed off, thinking hard about that for a moment. "I don't know."
He hummed with thought. "What's you're favorite food? Maybe we can have that for breakfast!" He offers kindly, a small smile on his lips.
"Oh! Pancakes!" René replied happily. "Can I have pancakes, Lucien? And bacon and sausage and syrup??" he looked at his older brother with wide, excited eyes.
Lucien blinked. "Oh. Uhm…yeah, I don't see why not."
He chuckles quietly, his eyes soft. Aki always had a soft spot for younger children. He was always so warm and welcoming to them. He hummed as he gently squeezed Lucien's hand as they walked.
René bounced happily. "Yay!" he grinned at the two, squirming a little bit.
Aki laughs quietly at the excitement Rene had. It was really cute. He glanced over at Lucien. "And what would you like for breakfast, my love?"
Lucien laughed a little bit. "Mm. Probably the same thing René is having. And you?" he smiled over at Aki.
Aki hummed softly. "Anything is fine!" He says cheerfully.
(Ahhhh!! I'm sorry. I thought I replied!!)
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