(It's alright!)
He leaned into the other sighed quietly, before holding onto him. "Are-are you sure…" He whispers quietly.
(It's alright!)
He leaned into the other sighed quietly, before holding onto him. "Are-are you sure…" He whispers quietly.
He nodded, holding Aki close. "I'm sure." his voice was firm. "I love you."
Aki shook at those words, tears falling down his cheeks. "I love you too." he whispers, kissing his cheek gently. "Th-thank you…"
"You're welcome." He whispered. "Now. Is it doable for me to share this burden with you, or not?" He kissed Aki's forehead.
"Y-yes…" he whispers slowly. "I… I'll need help setting up the ritual…" he mutters, his eyes shutting.
He nodded. "Of course. I'll help you with whatever you need." He replied softly. He snuggled Aki close.
He smiled softly, "Thank you." He whispers, tears flowing down his cheeks. "Thank you so much." He murmured.
He gently wiped away the tears. "Of course, love." He murmured in reply, kissing Aki's forehead softly.
He smiled weakly, holding on tightly to the other. "I love you, so so much." he whispered, his hand cupping the others cheek.
"I love you too." He replied softly, holding Aki close. "I will never, ever let you be hurt."
Aki cried at that, but it was good tears. Tears of happiness. "I love you." he whispers before hugging tightly onto Lucien.
"I love you too." he said again, hugging Aki back. "I love you."
He leaned into the other, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder. "I love you so much…" He whispers. He couldn't believe the other was willing to do something like this for him.
"I know." He whispered in return, holding Aki close and kissing the other male's cheeks. "I love you too."
"I love you so much…" He nuzzled into the others shoulder, his eyes shutting in happiness. "Thank you… thank you…" He whispers.
He nodded, holding onto Aki. "Of course." he whispered, rubbing Aki's back with one hand, just glad to have him. "Of course. Always."
Aki slowly sat up. "We- we'll have to do it tonight." He whispers quietly. He snuggled into the other, his eyes shutting.
He nodded again. "Yeah." He responded, still rubbing Aki's back, trying to comfort him any way he could. He sighed softly.
I'm really sorry for disappearing. If you'd like to continue I'm totally up for it! If not we can just leave this dead.
(it's okay! I'd love to continue if you're up to that :) )
(Okay! Do we want to do a time skip?)
(yeah, sure)
Aki finished setting up the ritual, it took him a few tries and a little help from Lucien. He reached out his hands to the other, gulping softly. "Take my hands, okay?" He whispers, his breathing shaky. He was still so scared, but he was grateful for this. "Are you sure you want to do this, Lucien?" He whispers.
Lucian nodded, and kissed Aki's cheek. "I'm sure, love." he replied softly, looking down at Aki. "I'm sure."
Aki nods before taking a small breath. He began to chant in an odd language and the candles that surrounded them flickered. He held on tightly to Lucians hands, feeling a small prick in his eye. He winced slightly, but kept chanting. He squeezed the others hands tightly, knowing he needed to keep his concentration.
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