Lucien's eyes landed first on Aki's eyes, then on his brother. His eyes widened, mouth forming an 'o'. "Aki…what have you done?" he breathed.
Rene clung to Aki's sleeve, hiding his face anxiously.
Lucien's eyes landed first on Aki's eyes, then on his brother. His eyes widened, mouth forming an 'o'. "Aki…what have you done?" he breathed.
Rene clung to Aki's sleeve, hiding his face anxiously.
Aki cleared his throat. "I… Brought Rene back…" He whispers softly. "In return I lost my eyesight…" He shrugged hopelessly. There was much more to that, but he didn't want to worry Lucien.
Lucien blinked. "Aki…" He looked at René. "Come here, bud. It's…it's okay." He breathed.
René let go of Aki, trembling a little as he was enveloped in his brothers arms.
Lucien looked at Aki. "But…your eyes…"
Aki smiled weakly before shaking his head, "It's… It's a small price to pay for bringing Rene back." He assures softly. His ears twitched a little bit as he stood there. It was a big deal for a magician to loose their sight. But he didn't complain. He knew there was a price to pay to bring someone back.
Lucien held his brother gently. He reached out to pull Aki into the hug. "But… necromancy is illegal, I…" He didn't know what to say.
(Gtg to bed now. Good night!)
(Good night!)
Aki let himself be pulled forward. "Illegal in the spirit realm, most definitely…" He leaned into Lucien, shutting his eyes. It didn't make a difference to him either way.
"I don't want to lose you." Lucien whispered, kissing the top of Aki's head.
"Lucien?" René whispered. "What's going to happen to me?"
Aki laughed gently. "You won't loose me." He assures softly, kissing his cheek gently. He heard Rene's question. "You're safe now. Nothing is going to happen to you, okay?"
Lucien frowned a little bit. "But what's going to…" he trailed off, looking at René. "You're going to be just fine, bud, I promise." he said softly. He wasn't sure what to do. His baby brother was alive again. Was well and whole. But…he didn't know how to respond.
Aki shuddered faintly before leaning into Lucien. He lets out a soft sigh, his ears flicking nervously. He was terrified, scared, weak and tired. But he couldn't focus, so his mind was a jumbled mess.
Lucien bit his lip. "We uhm…we should tell my father. Now." He said softly. He took a deep breath.
Aki nods slowly. "I think that would be best…" He mutters after a moment. "I'll need you to guide me, Lucien…" He says softly, his voice wavering just slightly enough to be noticeable if someone were paying attention.
Lucien kissed the top of Aki's head. "I know, love." He said softly. "Come on." He whispered. He took Aki's hand in one hand, and René's in the other.
Aki nods before slowly trying to gain his surroundings, using his other senses to his advantage. He needed to keep calm at this moment. He squeezed Lucien's hand before taking a shuddering breath.
Lucien held the two's hands, leading them through the halls quietly. He was frowning just a little bit, trying to figure out what to say and do.
Aki followed quietly. He didn't know what Lucien was thinking so he stayed quiet. He shut his thoughts out, fearful of what scenarios his mind would come up with.
Lucien led them down the hallways, and to the door of his father's room. A guard was posted outside, who moved away when he saw the prince. Lucien let go of their hands to knock on the door.
Aki kept quiet as they walked, only tried to keep pace with Lucien out of fear of bumping into something. When they stopped he halted as well, nervously listening as Lucien knocked.
After a few minutes, the king opened the door. "Lucien? What's going…" His eyes fell on René, and the king's face paled significantly. "Uhm. Come inside." He said slowly, opening the door wider.
Lucien took René and Aki's hands again, leading them inside.
Aki hesitated. Would the king be mad? Would he be killed? What… what was going to happen? He felt fear twisting and churning in his gut, making him feel sick and lightheaded. He stayed quiet, following inside and keeping his head down.
(is necromancy illegal in the country, too, or just the spirit realm?)
The king sat down on his bed, getting a light lit. "I uhm…think I need an explanation." He said slowly, eyes not leaving René.
René hid behind Lucien's arm, clinging to his brother.
Lucien looked at Aki. "I…don't exactly know."
(I would think just in the spirit realm just because necromancy is so hard to perform? So not many people could do it if they wanted to)
Aki kept his head down before taking a trembling breath. "I brought Rene back… I… During the plague it took so many… And… I know that the royal family missed the young prince as well as the queen… Children… children are much easier to bring back from what my research has indicated… I wanted… I wanted to do something in return for the kingdom, for welcoming me into it's gates…" He whispered, still not looking up.
The king sighed softly. "Right, but…thank you, Aki." He said. "But…isn't necromancy illegal? In…the spirit realm?"
Lucien swallowed, wrapping his arm around Aki's shoulders.
Aki nods slowly. "Y-yes… But… I had to try…" He whispers. "I payed for it though… I don't regret my decision. Not in the slightest." He said firmly.
Lucien bit his lip. "Please don't punish him for it, father. He brought René back." He gently scooted René into view again.
René looked at Aki, then his father.
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