forum It's not in the Cards (O/O)
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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(alright! Since I don't have any other ideas, I'll just do that)

Lucien had received word a week ago that his cousin would be arriving soon. He hadn't seen Enrique Maxim since they were both much younger, and he looked forward to seeing the other man again. Enrique was bringing his fiance, a person that Lucien hadn't met before and looked forward to meeting. They were supposed to arrive today.


Aki had been focusing on his studies and helping around the kingdom. He had grown a name for himself, just as much as his master did. Aki worked hard to gain the trust of the King, as well as the rest of the people in the castle, though it was painful obvious to him that not many were swayed. He was the princes concubine. He was eager to meet Lucien's family, since Aki loves meeting new people. He stood beside Lucien, his hands neatly tucked into his robes, as well as his tail. His ears flicked back and forth to take in everything, alert and aware.


(gtg sorry)

Lucien smiled, reaching down to take Aki's hand. After another hour, a carriage pulled up and a tall, slim figure jumped out, then reach up to help another person down. The taller man had skin a few shades darker than Lucien's, and the shorter figure had skin of a similar tone.


He inhaled softly and squeezes his hand gently, grateful that Lucien wasn't swayed by the whispers and disapproval of those around them. He perked when the carriage arrived, bright and curious. He was so eager to meet Lucien's cousin and their fiance. It was just so exciting!


Lucien grinned, stepping forward and releasing Aki's hand in order to wrap his arms around his cousin. "Enrique!" He greeted, still grinning as he pulled back. "It's so good to see you again."

Enrique grinned, flashing white teeth. "It really is." He agreed. "Lucien, this is my fiance, Ari."

Ari inclined their head in deference, giving a faint smile, but didn't speak.

Lucien nodded a little, gesturing Aki forward. "This is Aki. Aki, this is my cousin, Enrique."


Aki smiled at the sight of the three of them interacting. It was nice to see. He keeps his head down until Lucien calls for him, inhaling softly before walking to Lucien's side. He bows politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Lucien speaks of you kindly." He chuckles quietly, his eyes soft.


Enrique grinned. "I've heard a lot of you in his recent letters." He replied. "Only good things about you." He returned the bow politely.

Lucien smiled happily. "Shall we head inside to sit down?" He asked.

Enrique nodded a little. "That sounds like a good idea."

Lucien led the way inside, sitting down in a sitting room and waiting until the four of them were all settled again to speak. "So, Ari, I've heard a lot about you." He said, addressing Enrique's fiance.

The other looked mildly alarmed at being addressed, glancing at Enrique and then at Lucien. Their hands moved in sign language for a moment, and then they turned to Enrique, signing quickly to him.

"Oh! Of course love, my apologies." Enrique kissed Ari's cheek, and pulled out a notepad and pencil from his bag, handing them to Ari. "Ari…can't talk." He explained to Lucien and Aki. "And since I'd assume neither of you know sign language, they're going to write down their answers to any questions."


Aki smiled softly, blushing at the thought that Lucien actually wrote about him. It made him feel flustered, in love, and happy. He follows after them of course, keeping quiet as he does so. He settled down in a chair before noticing that Ari moved their hands. Aki perked and smiled warmly before waving his hands gently. "I uh… I do." He mutters quietly before turning to Ari and signing quickly, Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you. He brightens a little bit. His master, before he had passed, taught Aki how to use sign language, see using magic, and what not. So it pleased him that he could finally use his other skills.


Enrique grinned. "Oh! That's great! It's just most people don't, so…I've gotten used to being a go-between."

Ari smiled lightly. A pleasure to meet you as well. They signed back, looking over at Aki.


Aki seemed pleased as well, his tail wagging a little under his robe. It's nice to meet you, Ari. His eyes are bright as he turned his attention to Enrique. "I love learning languages, and Sign Language is rare, so I wanted to learn it." His hands moved as his mouth moved.