Aki smiled at that, his arms wrapping around Lucien's waist. He sighed quietly in relief as he did so, glad that they were out of the ballroom.
Aki smiled at that, his arms wrapping around Lucien's waist. He sighed quietly in relief as he did so, glad that they were out of the ballroom.
Lucien swayed gently with him, closing his eyes.
He smiled at the sight and shut his eyes as well. He loved Lucien with all his heart. He just wished the kingdom didn't stop them from getting married.
Lucien wished he didn't have to find a bride. He still didn't understand his father's single-minded focus on that.
He paused before slowly pulling away. "Lucien…?" He asks quietly. "I know that your father does not approve of us at all…" He murmured quietly. "But… I wanted to do this anyway. I love you, my heart belongs to you, and you know that… Despite what other people think, and what your father thinks. I still… want you to be mine." He murmured, pulling out a small, carefully crafted ring. "You don't have to right now, I know you're busy… but…" He glanced up at Lucien, hesitantly. Almost… as if he were scared.
Lucien's eyes widened as he looked at Aki and the ring, and his lips parted in surprise. "I…are you proposing?" He asked slowly.
Aki fiddles with the ring before nodding slowly. "Yes… I am…" He whispers quietly. "Like I said, you don't have to say yes… I know that you're dedicated to your kingdom…" He murmured softly, keeping his eyes on the ground.
He bit his lip faintly. He wanted so badly to just say yes and bedamn the consequences, but… He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again to study Aki. "I…"
Aki hesitated slightly, shuffling a little bit as he waited. He knew this had been a bad idea. He knew it was- the rules, the protocols. Aki was born a commoner, nothing but a magician for the court… Lucien was the prince. "I'm sorry." He whispered, tucking the ring away.
Lucien caught his hands. "No, Aki, that's not– please don't apologize." he said quickly. "Please don't apologize. I just…I'd like nothing more than to marry you, I'm just…my father…" he didn't know what to do.
He looks up at Lucien and sighs deeply. "That's why I'm apologizing." He was trying his hardest to keep his voice even and not get emotional. "You're the prince, I'm a consort. In the kingdom's eyes we're nothing more than that." He murmured softly. He holds Lucien's hands gently, "That's why it was a bad idea for me to even propose… You have so many duties… it was selfish of me."
He closed his eyes for a moment, swallowing faintly. "I'm so sorry, my love." he whispered, wishing there was some way around this.
Aki shook his head and smiled weakly. "You shouldn't have to apologize." He murmured softly. "I'm… going to go get some water…" He whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to Lucien's cheek.
"Okay." he replied quietly, looking at Aki sorrowfully.
He smiled at Lucien before turning away. His heart cracked a little as reality hit him. It wasn't a beautiful dream, it wasn't a fairytale. He was a consort, nothing more. He couldn't marry Lucien, the love of his life and that hurt him more than losing his sight. He grabbed a bottle of wine rather than some water, sipping on it lazily as he wandered. He didn't go back into the palace. He wandered the grounds until he found himself standing in front of his masters grave. He sighed deeply and sat beside it.
Lucien sat down on a stone bench in the gardens, putting his head in his hands and wishing desperately he could be anyone else, because then he could marry the only person he had ever wanted to marry.
He stared up at the night sky, crying quietly to himself. He knew it was a stupid idea. He knew that it would end up with Lucien saying no… He knew and he did it anyways. He supposed it was a bit of a wake up call. He chugged more of the wine, before staring at the ring for a moment. So carefully and lovingly crafted… so much time and dedication. He gave a pained cry into his sleeve before throwing it. He didn't know where it landed.
Lucien closed his eyes tightly, shaking his head a little. Why did it have to be like this for them?
Aki leans against his masters grave, gazing up at the stars. It wasn't fair. He loved Lucien deeply, but they could never be official in the eyes of the kingdom. He shuts his eyes, the wine in his system making him drowsy.
Lucien didn't know where Aki had gone, and didn't know if he should follow or not. He didn't move from the bench, trying to think about what to do.
Aki slowly drifted in and out of sleep, using his arm as a head rest as he slept on the grass next to his masters grave.
Lucien let out a faint breath, closing his eyes tightly.
Aki didn't know how long he had passed out for, all he knew was that his legs were numb and he was cold. He slowly sits up. It was still dark… but he wasn't sure how late… or early? It was.
Lucien had looked for him, but hadn't been able to find him. He…to be honest, he thought maybe Aki had just left him.
Aki slowly stood, wobbling a little bit and taking a deep breath. He stared up at the castle, his eyes watering a little. He brushed them away before glancing at his masters grave. He used his magic to find the ring and placed it in his pocket. He looked like a mess, his robes crumpled, his eyes puffy from crying, his body ached from the weird position he slept in. He wandered the halls of the castle quietly, no noise coming from him. He made it to his room and slowly crawled into the bed he hadn't slept in for ages… he had always slept in Lucien's room. But his heart ached too much right now.
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