Blue made a nonverbal noise of confusion, shrugging her shoulders. "If I knew, I probably wouldn't be confused."
Blue made a nonverbal noise of confusion, shrugging her shoulders. "If I knew, I probably wouldn't be confused."
Ava smoothed her hair and pressed her lips together. "That's true."
Blue flickered a glance over at Ava, her grip on the steering wheel tightening. "But…I do think I might have a way t' figure it out."
"Oh?" Ava looked over at Blue curiously.
Blue rubbed the back of her neck as she pulled into the drive in, nodding. "Maybe doin' it again is the best way t' figure it out." She said quietly, before rolling down her window to order. "What d'you want? Flavor? Any other food?"
Ava grinned. "Chocolate, and nah, I'm good."
Blue placed the order before rolling the window most of the way back up, pulling her wallet from her back pocket. She riffled around, pulling out a twenty and tucking her wallet back away.
Ava reached out and touched Blue's wrist. "I can do it," she said quietly. "This is the least I can do for you putting up with my shit all morning."
Blue looked down at Ava's hand, then up at her. A lopsided smile made it's home on her lips as she met Ava's eyes. "Your shit's been eventful. Ten times better than my world hist quiz I had."
She grinned and shook her head. "Seriously though. Milkshakes are on me."
"Nope. I'm paying, and there ain't nothin' you can do t' change that." She decided, sticking her tongue out.
Ava smirked and leaned closer. "Isn't there?"
Blue blinked, her cheeks reddening. "I-I-…no? N-nothing."
Ava inched forward even more. "Really?~"
Blue's inhaled sharply, her eyes widening. "U-um…"
Ava smirked. "You gonna let me pay or what, pretty girl?"
Blue blinked a few times, before shaking her head. "Nope. I'm payin'. Nice try though."
Ava fake-pouted. A few years of theater maybe had done her some good. "Please? It would be… my treat~"
Blue quickly averted her eyes, shaking her head once more. "Nope nope nope. I live with the biggest manipulator in school, I know how to hold my own."
"Do you?" Ava purred, reaching up to brush the side of Blue's face lightly.
Blue bit her lip, hard, nodding slightly. She didn't trust herself to speak right now.
Ava took Blue's chin in her fingers and brought their lips so close, they brushed when she spoke: "I don't think you do…"
Blue tried to keep her eyes off of Ava's, but it wasn't long before she was looking at her. "Wh-why can't I pay?"
"Because I'm treating you," Ava murmured, gazing softly into Blue's eyes. Damn, her eyes are pretty…
"The milkshakes were my idea though." Blue countered, voice breathless.
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