"Ava?" Blue breathed, shifting just a tiny bit closer without even realizing it. Her heart was beating so loud in her ears, she wondered if Ava could hear it.
"Ava?" Blue breathed, shifting just a tiny bit closer without even realizing it. Her heart was beating so loud in her ears, she wondered if Ava could hear it.
"Yeah?" Ava replied gently. Their lips were almost brushing now.
"If I asked you to kiss me, would you?" Blue asked, her voice dropping another octave as her eyes flickered down to Ava's lips. To hell with it. That;s the whole point of this, right?
Shit. "I wouldn't hesitate," she mumbled, noting Blue's glance drop.
"Good. Kiss me?" She pulled her eyes back to Ava's, taking in a shaky breath.
And she didn't hesitate. She quickly pressed her lips to Blue’s but held back to start. She didn't want to startle the girl.
Blue let out a small gasp, despite having known it was coming. She was quick to react though, shifting to be a bit more comfortable as she pressed into the kiss.
Ava quietly closed the glove box and reacted to Blue's shifting. She gently guided the girl over so she was sitting on Ava's lap, practically, and deepened the kiss.
Blue ducked her head to avoid hitting it on the roof of the car, reaching up to cup Ava;s face in her hands as she kissed the other girl. She was kissing a girl. Oh. Okay, maybe she was right.
Ava cradled Blue in her arms. She gently bit down on her lip, hoping for a reaction.
Blue's lips parted with a small noise of surprise, and one of her hands worked it's way into Ava's hair.
"Damn," Ava mumbled into the kiss before sliding her tongue slowly into Blue's mouth before the girl could protest.
Blue's fingers tightened in Ava's hair, and she pressed harder into the kiss as she let her take the lead.
Ava held Blue closer just as – The car door opened suddenly causing Ava to loose her balance. Her eyes shot open quickly, and she managed to catch Blue and herself before either one of them made nasty contact with the pavement. Someone was laughing at them.
"Hornet!" she demanded sharply at the laughing boy. "Fuck you!"
"Naw, naw, you were gonna fuck her!" he laughed louder, pointing at Blue.
"Bullshit!" Ava snarled, holding Blue defensively.
Blue blinked a few times, looking dazed and slightly starstruck as she shook off the fog that had invaded her mind, looking around. "Shit, Ava, are you alright?" Her face was bright red, but she managed to keep the stutter out of her voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Ava assured her before glaring at Hornet again. "Nice going, bastard. I may just have to tell Razor about your antics."
Hornet rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, alright. I'll behave."
"Then beat it," she growled. He held up his hands and walked inside the shop. Ava sighed and looked down at Blue. "I'm sorry about all that…" She bit her lip, looking a little embarrassed.
((Oh, I was wondering, as far as their relationship was going to go…We could do a sort of friends with benefits thing, with them being fairly casual and unsure about it until some sort of like, argument that leads to good ol' confessions?))
"D-don' be." Blue assured, sliding off of Ava's lap and out of the car, tugging a hand through her hair as she looked at the shop. "Who-uh, who was that?"
(Oooh, okie!)
Dammit, I was so close… He's going to get it for that one. "Eh, I've known him a while. He's one of the damn people who works here." She laced the truth with the lie so easily even she could hardly tell which was which.
She nodded, not quite focusing all her attention on the conversation. She might have bitten off a bit more than she'd intended to with her list, that was for sure. She reached up, fingers brushing her swollen lips before her eyes refocused and her hand dropped. "Any chance you could-grab the coolant bottle? With cash in it?"
Ava tossed her hair back over her shoulder and cleared her throat so she could mutter a soft "yeah". She found it quickly and pulled it as so she could pass it to Blue. "There ya go. Need anything else?" Ava smirked when she saw the girl touch her lips gently.
"Er-no." Blue shook her head, opening the bottle to pull out the wad of cash and tuck it away in her jacket. She tossed it in the back seat before making herself look at Ava. "Lead-lead the way?"
Ava grinned and reached out for Blue's hand. "If you'll allow it," she teased with a wink.
Blue's face heated up as she let Ava take her hand, looking away once again. "I-I guess."
Ava squeezed Blue's hand reassuringly and tugged her towards the shop.
Blue shoved her other hand in her pocket as she let Ava tug her along, her blush calming somewhat. Barbara's gonna kill me.
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